Politica estera

Liz Truss, primo ministro per 44 giorni

La premier britannica ha annunciato le sue dimissioni da leader del partito Tory: «Data la situazione non posso portare a termine il mandato».

A selection of the front pages of British national newspapers showing the reaction the the resignation of Prime Minister Liz Truss, in central London, Friday, Oct. 21, 2022. British Prime Minister Liz Truss resigned Thursday, bowing to the inevitable after a tumultuous, short-lived term in which her policies triggered turmoil in financial markets and a rebellion in her party that obliterated her authority. (AP Photo/David Cliff)
A general view of the Houses of Parliament at sunrise in London, Friday, Oct. 21, 2022. British Prime Minister Liz Truss resigned Thursday, bowing to the inevitable after a tumultuous, short-lived term in which her policies triggered turmoil in financial markets and a rebellion in her party that obliterated her authority. (AP Photo/David Cliff)
Commuters are reflected in a puddle with the Queen Elizabeth Tower in the background which contains the bell known as 'Big Ben, part of the Palace of Westminster, following a rain shower in London, Thursday, Oct. 20, 2022. British Prime Minister Liz Truss resigned Thursday, bowing to the inevitable after a tumultuous, short-lived term in which her policies triggered turmoil in financial markets and a rebellion in her party that obliterated her authority. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant)
Commuters are reflected in a puddle with the Queen Elizabeth Tower in the background which contains the bell known as 'Big Ben, part of the Palace of Westminster, following a rain shower in London, Thursday, Oct. 20, 2022. British Prime Minister Liz Truss resigned Thursday, bowing to the inevitable after a tumultuous, short-lived term in which her policies triggered turmoil in financial markets and a rebellion in her party that obliterated her authority. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant)
Graham Brady, left, Chairman of the 1922 Committee, and Jake Berry, right, Chairman of the Conservative Party, speak to media outside Parliament in London, Thursday, Oct. 20, 2022. Britain's Prime Minister liz Truss resigned Thursday, bowing to the inevitable after a tumultuous, short-lived term in which her policies triggered turmoil in financial markets and a rebellion in her party that obliterated her authority. (AP Photo/David Cliff)
Angela Rayner, Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, speaks to the media after Britain's Prime Minister Liz Truss resigned in London, Thursday, Oct. 20, 2022. Truss resigned Thursday, bowing to the inevitable after a tumultuous, short-lived term in which her policies triggered turmoil in financial markets and a rebellion in her party that obliterated her authority.(AP Photo/David Cliff)
Protestors are reflected in a puddle opposite parliament after Britain's Prime Minister Liz Truss resigned in London, Thursday, Oct. 20, 2022. Truss resigned Thursday, bowing to the inevitable after a tumultuous, short-lived term in which her policies triggered turmoil in financial markets and a rebellion in her party that obliterated her authority.(AP Photo/David Cliff)
Demonstrators protest opposite parliament after Britain's Prime Minister Liz Truss resigned in London, Thursday, Oct. 20, 2022. Truss resigned Thursday, bowing to the inevitable after a tumultuous, short-lived term in which her policies triggered turmoil in financial markets and a rebellion in her party that obliterated her authority.(AP Photo/David Cliff)
Protestors are reflected in a puddle opposite parliament after Britain's Prime Minister Liz Truss resigned in London, Thursday, Oct. 20, 2022. Truss resigned Thursday, bowing to the inevitable after a tumultuous, short-lived term in which her policies triggered turmoil in financial markets and a rebellion in her party that obliterated her authority.(AP Photo/Alberto Pezzali)
A bookmaker takes bets for the next British Prime Minister after Liz Truss resigned in London, Thursday, Oct. 20, 2022. Truss resigned Thursday, bowing to the inevitable after a tumultuous, short-lived term in which her policies triggered turmoil in financial markets and a rebellion in her party that obliterated her authority.(AP Photo/David Cliff)
A bookmakers board shows the odds for the next British Prime Minister after Liz Truss resigned in London, Thursday, Oct. 20, 2022. Truss resigned Thursday, bowing to the inevitable after a tumultuous, short-lived term in which her policies triggered turmoil in financial markets and a rebellion in her party that obliterated her authority.(AP Photo/Alberto Pezzali)
A protestor is reflected in a puddle opposite parliament after Britain's Prime Minister Liz Truss resigned in London, Thursday, Oct. 20, 2022. Truss resigned Thursday, bowing to the inevitable after a tumultuous, short-lived term in which her policies triggered turmoil in financial markets and a rebellion in her party that obliterated her authority.(AP Photo/Alberto Pezzali)
Britain's Prime Minister Liz Truss and husband Hugh O'Leary enter 10 Downing Street after addressing the media in London, Thursday, Oct. 20, 2022. Truss resigned, bowing to the inevitable after a tumultuous, short-lived term in which her policies triggered turmoil in financial markets and a rebellion in her party that obliterated her authority. (AP Photo/Alberto Pezzali)
Britain's Prime Minister Liz Truss addresses the media in Downing Street in London, Thursday, Oct. 20, 2022. Truss says she resigns as leader of UK Conservative Party. (AP Photo/Alberto Pezzali)
Britain's Prime Minister Liz Truss and husband Hugh O'Leary leave 10 Downing Street to address the media in London, Thursday, Oct. 20, 2022. Truss says she resigns as leader of UK Conservative Party. (AP Photo/Alberto Pezzali)
Britain's Prime Minister Liz Truss addresses the media in Downing Street in London, Thursday, Oct. 20, 2022. Truss says she resigns as leader of UK Conservative Party. (AP Photo/Alberto Pezzali)
Britain's Prime Minister Liz Truss and husband Hugh O'Leary leave 10 Downing Street to address the media in London, Thursday, Oct. 20, 2022. Truss says she resigns as leader of UK Conservative Party. (AP Photo/Alberto Pezzali)

Con una breve dichiarazione davanti alle telecamere, la leader conservatrice ha comunicato che non andrà avanti con la presidenza del Regno Unito. L’ha fatto un mese e mezzo dopo essere stata eletta per condurre il Paese in un momento «di grande instabilità economica e internazionale», come lei stessa ha sottolineato.

Una decisione che ha dovuto prendere dopo che Graham Brady, presidente del comitato 1922, organo interno al gruppo parlamentare Tory, le ha trasmesso la mancanza di supporto della maggioranza del partito. Una tempesta scatenata dalla riforma fiscale riguardante grossi tagli alle tasse per i più ricchi poi ritirata, aggravata dalle dimissioni del ministro delle Finanze Kwasi Kwarteng e della ministra degli Interni Suella Braverman.

Adesso che la Truss si è dimessa, chiarendo che rimarrà come primo ministro fino a quando non verrà scelto un nuovo successore, la prossima settimana, la moneta britannica ha iniziato a riprendersi dopo il crollo al quale era stata indotta dalla forte crisi finanziaria.

Foto: AP/David Cliff; Alastair Grant; Alberto Pezzali

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