
Re Carlo III venderà 12 cavalli da corsa della Regina

Stando alla stampa inglese, la vendita rientra nella politica di snellimento dei costi messa in atto dal nuovo re.

King Charles III caresses a horse as he attends a reception to thank the community of Aberdeenshire for their organisation and support following the death of Queen Elizabeth II at Station Square, the Victoria & Albert Halls, Ballater, United Kingdom, Tuesday Oct. 11, 2022. (Andrew Milligan/pool photo via AP)
King Charles III pats a horse as he and the Queen Consort attend a reception to thank the community of Aberdeenshire for their organisation and support following the death of Queen Elizabeth II at Station Square, the Victoria & Albert Halls, Ballater, United Kingdom, Tuesday Oct. 11, 2022. (Andrew Milligan/pool photo via AP)
The Queen Consort pats a horse as she attends a reception to thank the community of Aberdeenshire for their organisation and support following the death of Queen Elizabeth II at Station Square, the Victoria & Albert Halls, Ballater, United Kingdom, Tuesday Oct. 11, 2022. (Andrew Milligan/pool photo via AP)
Queen Consort feeds carrots to horses as she and King Charles III attend a reception to thank the community of Aberdeenshire for their organisation and support following the death of Queen Elizabeth II at Station Square, the Victoria & Albert Halls, Ballater, United Kingdom, Tuesday Oct. 11, 2022. (Andrew Milligan/pool photo via AP)
(Andrew Milligan/pool photo via AP)

Il nuovo sovrano Carlo III ha messo all’asta 12 campioni della madre. Tra loro c’è anche Love Affairs, che aveva vinto a Goodwood due giorni prima della sua morte, dandole l’ultima grande soddisfazione. Numerosi sceicchi e membri di famiglie reali arabe sarebbero interessati all’acquisto. Una fonte di Buckigham Palace riferisce: “Il re manterrà la tradizione della presenza della monarchia nelle corse, ma non ha la stessa passione della madre per questo sport”. A riportarlo è il giornale britannico Sunday Mail. Stando alla stampa inglese, la vendita rientra nella politica di snellimento dei costi messa in atto dal nuovo re. (Foto: Ap)

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