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60° dall’apertura del Concilio Vaticano II

Il Concilio Ecumenico Vaticano II, abbreviato come Vaticano II, è stato il ventunesimo e il più recente concilio ecumenico della Chiesa cattolica. La prima sessione iniziò l'11 ottobre 1962. I vescovi cattolici discussero gli argomenti riguardanti la vita della Chiesa e la sua apertura alle istanze nel mondo moderno e contemporaneo

FILE - Pope John XXIII stands and prays in the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City, Oct. 12, 1962, during a special audience to delegates from foreign governments to the ecumenical council. Pope Francis commemorates the 60th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council by celebrating a Mass in honor of St. John XXIII, the “good pope” who convened the landmark meetings that modernized the Catholic Church. (AP Photo/File)
Pope Benedict XVI is silhouetted as he arrives to celebrate a mass marking the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council, in St. Peter's square at the Vatican, Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012. Benedict, after celebrating mass, will greet churchmen, including a dozen original Vatican II participants, re-enacting the great procession into St. Peter's that launched the council in 1962. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)
FILE - Pope John XXIII stands and prays in the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City, Oct. 12, 1962, during a special audience to delegates from foreign governments to the ecumenical council. Pope Francis commemorates the 60th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council by celebrating a Mass in honor of St. John XXIII, the “good pope” who convened the landmark meetings that modernized the Catholic Church. (AP Photo/File)
Thousands of faithful Catholics carry torches in a big procession in St. Peter's Square the evening of Oct. 11, 1962, while thousands of onlookers stood by, all waiting for Pope John XXIII to appear at the window of his private apartment in the Vatican Palace, and impart his blessing upon them. Pope Francis commemorates the 60th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council by celebrating a Mass in honor of St. John XXIII, the “good pope” who convened the landmark meetings that modernized the Catholic Church. (AP Photo/Girolamo Di Majo, File)
FILE - In this Oct. 11, 1962 file photo, Pope John XXIII is carried on his portable throne through a huge crowd gathered in St. Peter's Square, as the pontiff enters St. Peter's Basilica for the opening ceremonies of the Roman Catholic Ecumenical Council, in Vatican City. Pope Francis commemorates the 60th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council by celebrating a Mass in honor of St. John XXIII, the “good pope” who convened the landmark meetings that modernized the Catholic Church.  (AP Photo/Girolamo Di Majo, File)
FILE - Pope John XXIII waves a hand in blessing at Roman Catholic Ecumenical Council at St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City, Oct. 11, 1962. Pope Francis commemorates the 60th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council by celebrating a Mass in honor of St. John XXIII, the “good pope” who convened the landmark meetings that modernized the Catholic Church. (AP Photo/Raoul Fornezza, File)
A view of St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, during a canonization ceremony led by Pope John Paul II,  Sunday October 1, 2000.  The pontiff added the first Chinese Catholics to the growing roll of saints Sunday, declaring 120 Chinese Catholics and foreign missionaries martyrs in the church's five-century and on-going struggle in China.  China's state-run  church bitterly protested the canonization which fell on China's national day, celebrating the 51st anniversary of communist rule. U.S socialite and philantropist Katharine Drexel was also canonized Sunday with Sudanese slave-turned-nun Giuseppina Bakhita and Spaniard Maria Josefa del Corazon de Jesus Sancho de Guerra, founder of a charitable order.  Pope John Paul has created 447 saints in his 22-year papacy.   (AP Photo/Massimo Sambucetti)
Pope Paul VI incenses the altar of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome during a solemn religious ceremony on the first anniversary of the opening of the Roman Catholic Ecumenical Council, Oct. 11, 1963. About 2,000 of the 2,500 Council Fathers gathered for the second session of the Council, attended the ceremony.  (AP Photo/Girolamo Di Majo)
Council fathers fill all available space along the main nave of St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City, Dec. 3, 1963 for Roman Catholic commemoration of the anniversary of the Council of Trent. During the ceremony a personal Papal Decree was issued extending the powers of bishops. (AP Photo)
Pope Benedict XVI is silhouetted as he arrives to celebrate a mass marking the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council, in St. Peter's square at the Vatican, Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012. Benedict, after celebrating mass, will greet churchmen, including a dozen original Vatican II participants, re-enacting the great procession into St. Peter's that launched the council in 1962. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)
«Spesso infatti avviene, come abbiamo sperimentato nell’adempiere il quotidiano ministero apostolico, che, non senza offesa per le Nostre orecchie, ci vengano riferite le voci di alcuni che, sebbene accesi di zelo per la religione, valutano però i fatti senza sufficiente obiettività né prudente giudizio.
Nelle attuali condizioni della società umana essi non sono capaci di vedere altro che rovine e guai; vanno dicendo che i nostri tempi, se si confrontano con i secoli passati, risultano del tutto peggiori; e arrivano fino al punto di comportarsi come se non avessero nulla da imparare dalla storia, che è maestra di vita, e come se ai tempi dei precedenti Concili tutto procedesse felicemente quanto alla dottrina cristiana, alla morale, alla giusta libertà della Chiesa.
A Noi sembra di dover risolutamente dissentire da codesti profeti di sventura, che annunziano sempre il peggio, quasi incombesse la fine del mondo.
Nello stato presente degli eventi umani, nel quale l’umanità sembra entrare in un nuovo ordine di cose, sono piuttosto da vedere i misteriosi piani della Divina Provvidenza, che si realizzano in tempi successivi attraverso l’opera degli uomini, e spesso al di là delle loro aspettative, e con sapienza dispongono tutto, anche le avverse vicende umane, per il bene della Chiesa».
Giovanni XXIII, Gaudet Mater Ecclesia, 11/10/1962

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