Crisi energetica

Proteste per il caro gas in Kazakistan

Dimostrazioni in molte città del Kazakistan per il raddoppio del prezzo del gas liquefatto

Demonstrators stand in front of police line during a protest in Almaty, Kazakhstan, Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2022. Demonstrators denouncing the doubling of prices for liquefied gas have clashed with police in Kazakhstan's largest city and held protests in about a dozen other cities in the country. (AP Photo/Vladimir Tretyakov)
A police on fire on fire during clashes with protesters in the center of Almaty, Kazakhstan, Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2022. Demonstrators denouncing the doubling of prices for liquefied gas have clashed with police in Kazakhstan's largest city and held protests in about a dozen other cities in the country. Local news reports said police dispersed a demonstration of about a thousand people Tuesday night in Almaty and that some demonstrators were detained. (AP Photo/Vladimir Tretyakov)
Riot police officers prepare to stop demonstrators during a protest in Almaty, Kazakhstan, Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2022. Demonstrators denouncing the doubling of prices for liquefied gas have clashed with police in Kazakhstan's largest city and held protests in about a dozen other cities in the country. (AP Photo/Vladimir Tretyakov)
A demonstrator gives back a shield to a riot police officer during a protest in Almaty, Kazakhstan, Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2022. Demonstrators denouncing the doubling of prices for liquefied gas have clashed with police in Kazakhstan's largest city and held protests in about a dozen other cities in the country. (AP Photo/Vladimir Tretyakov)
Riot police block demonstrators during a protest in Almaty, Kazakhstan, Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2022. Demonstrators denouncing the doubling of prices for liquefied gas have clashed with police in Kazakhstan's largest city and held protests in about a dozen other cities in the country. (AP Photo/Vladimir Tretyakov)
Demonstrators ride a truck during a protest in Almaty, Kazakhstan, Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2022. Demonstrators denouncing the doubling of prices for liquefied gas have clashed with police in Kazakhstan's largest city and held protests in about a dozen other cities in the country. (AP Photo/Vladimir Tretyakov)

In tutto il mondo, l’impennata dei prezzi del metano ha messo in crisi tante famiglie. Ad Almaty, la più grande città del Kazakistan, i manifestanti, che protestavano per il raddoppio dei prezzi del gas liquefatto, si sono scontrati con la polizia. Dimostrazioni si sono svolte anche in una dozzina di altre città del Paese. Non è la prima volta che i dimostranti scendono in piazza chiedendo cambiamenti politici, con l’obiettivo di affrontare i gravi problemi sociali ed economici della nazione asiatica (AP Photo/Vladimir Tretyakov)

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