Scenari globali

Cina, il soft power del cinema

Mentre si consuma una sfida tra Cina e Usa sulla fiornitura di sottomarini nucleari all’Australia, si inaugura a Pechino su un’area di 4 km quadrati il parco a tema Universal Studios Beijing, grazie ad un accordo tra la società statale Beijing Shouhuan Cultural Tourism Investment Co. e la statunitense Comcast NBCUniversal.

A traffic warden stands near a bus with an advertisement for the Universal Studios theme park during trial runs in Beijing, China, Tuesday, Aug. 31, 2021. Universal Studios announced Monday, Aug. 30, 2021, that its first theme park in China will open in the country's capital in September. The company set the opening date for Sept. 20, according to a statement and video posted on the Chinese social media site WeChat. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)
People wearing face masks to help protect against COVID-19 pose for a selfie in a plaza near the entrance to Universal Studios Beijing in Beijing, Saturday, Sept. 4, 2021. The newest location of the global brand of theme parks officially opens on Sept. 20, though an adjacent shopping and entertainment district opened to the public this week. (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein)
People wearing face masks to help protect against COVID-19 gather in a plaza near the entrance to Universal Studios Beijing in Beijing, Saturday, Sept. 4, 2021. The newest location of the global brand of theme parks officially opens on Sept. 20, though an adjacent shopping and entertainment district opened to the public this week. (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein)
People wearing face masks to help protect against COVID-19 walk outside the entrance to Universal Studios Beijing in Beijing, Saturday, Sept. 4, 2021. The newest location of the global brand of theme parks officially opens on Sept. 20, though an adjacent shopping and entertainment district opened to the public this week. (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein)
People wearing face masks to help protect against COVID-19 walk outside the entrance to Universal Studios Beijing in Beijing, Saturday, Sept. 4, 2021. The newest location of the global brand of theme parks officially opens on Sept. 20, though an adjacent shopping and entertainment district opened to the public this week. (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein)
People wearing face masks to help protect against COVID-19 walk past a Universal Studios Store near the entrance to Universal Studios Beijing in Beijing, Saturday, Sept. 4, 2021. The newest location of the global brand of theme parks officially opens on Sept. 20, though an adjacent shopping and entertainment district opened to the public this week. (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein)
People wearing face masks to help protect against the COVID-19 walk outside the entrance to Universal Studios Beijing in Beijing, Saturday, Sept. 4, 2021. The newest location of the global brand of theme parks officially opens on Sept. 20, though an adjacent shopping and entertainment district opened to the public this week. (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein)
A woman and a girl wearing a wizard costume pose for a selfie in a plaza near the entrance to Universal Studios Beijing in Beijing, Saturday, Sept. 4, 2021. The newest location of the global brand of theme parks officially opens on Sept. 20, though an adjacent shopping and entertainment district opened to the public this week. (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein)
People wearing face masks to help protect against the COVID-19 walk through a plaza near the entrance to Universal Studios Beijing in Beijing, Saturday, Sept. 4, 2021. The newest location of the global brand of theme parks officially opens on Sept. 20, though an adjacent shopping and entertainment district opened to the public this week. (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein)
People wearing face masks to help protect against the COVID-19 walk through a plaza near the entrance to Universal Studios Beijing in Beijing, Saturday, Sept. 4, 2021. The newest location of the global brand of theme parks officially opens on Sept. 20, though an adjacent shopping and entertainment district opened to the public this week. (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein)
People wearing face masks to help protect from the coronavirus carrying umbrella to shield from the rain as they walk through row of crowd control barriers set up near the entrance to Universal Studios during a three days Mid-Autumn public holiday in Beijing, Sunday, Sept. 19, 2021. The newest location of the global brand of theme parks officially opens on Monday, though an adjacent shopping and entertainment district opened to the public this week. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)
People wearing face masks open their booked tickets via their smartphones to the entrance to Universal Studios during three days of Mid-Autumn public holiday in Beijing, Sunday, Sept. 19, 2021. The newest location of the global brand of theme parks officially opens on Monday, though an adjacent shopping and entertainment district opened to the public this week. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)
People wearing raincoats and carrying umbrellas walk through a plaza near the entrance of Universal Studios Beijing in Beijing, Monday, Sept. 20, 2021. Thousands of people brave the rain visit to the newest location of the global brand of theme parks which officially opens on Monday. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)
A family wearing raincoats and face masks to help protect from the coronavirus walk by masked visitors lining up to enter a Universal Studios store as they visit Universal Studios Beijing in Beijing, Monday, Sept. 20, 2021. Thousands of people brave the rain visit to the newest location of the global brand of theme parks which officially opens on Monday. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)
Women wearing face masks to help protect themselves from coronavirus wave as they line-up to enter a merchandise store at the Universal Studios Beijing in Beijing, Monday, Sept. 20, 2021. Thousands of people brave the rain visit to the newest location of the global brand of theme parks which officially opens on Monday. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)

In preparazione da tempo è stato inaugurato il 20 settembre 2021 lUniversal Studios Beijing, parco a tema che si inserisce a Pechino come parte dell’Universal Beijing Resort. Le immagini dell’agenzia Ap rendono l’idea del tutto esaurito realizzatosi per l’evento in puro stile occidentale, mentre sullo scenario internazionale era evidente lo scontro tra Cina e Usa con riferimento all’accordo in funzione anticinese concluso tra Australia, Stati Uniti e Gran Bretagna sui sottomarini a propulsione nucleare.

Il potere dell’immaginario veicolato dal cinema è in grado di incidere di più delle armi ed è il terreno che accompagna quello dell’egemonia economica e quindi politica. Come riporta il sito China files citando l’agenzia Bloomberg «Il progetto, che dovrebbe attirare 30 milioni di visitatori all’anno, è una joint venture tra la società statale Beijing Shouhuan Cultural Tourism Investment Co. e Comcast NBCUniversal. È in lavorazione dal 2001. Il resort, che copre un’area di 4 km quadrati, comprende il parco a tema Universal Studios Beijing, l’Universal CityWalk e due hotel e promette di offrire ai turisti un’esperienza di visita coinvolgente, con sette parchi a tema composti da 37 strutture ricreative e attrazioni di riferimento, oltre che 24 spettacoli di intrattenimento».

Un progetto quindi ideato nel 2001, mentre il mondo cambiava con l’attentato alle Torri gemelle di New York, per costruire in collaborazione tra una grande società statale cinese e un colosso commerciale statunitense «il quinto parco a tema Universal Studios a livello globale».

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