
Regno Unito, più di 1 paziente su 10 ha preso il Covid in ospedale

Covid, allarme nel Regno Unito: molti pazienti si sono contagiati in ospedale.

Boris Johnson  (AP Photo/Frank Augstein, Pool, File)
(AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth)
FILE - AP Photo/Taimy Alvarez
FILE - In this Thursday, April 30, 2020 file photo, a woman wearing a mask to protect against coronavirus, rides a bicycle past a job centre in Shepherd's Bush, as the lockdown to curb the spread of coronavirus continues, in London. The U.K. economy has officially fallen into a recession after official figures showed it contracting by a record 20.4% in the second quarter as a result of lockdown measures put in place to counter the coronavirus pandemic. The slump recorded by the Office for National Statistics follows a 2.2% quarterly contraction in the first three months of the year.  (AP Photo/Alberto Pezzali, File)
FILE - In this Wednesday, March 11, 2020 file photo, pedestrians wearing face masks pass the Bank of England in London.  The U.K. economy has officially fallen into a recession after official figures showed it contracting by a record 20.4% in the second quarter as a result of lockdown measures put in place to counter the coronavirus pandemic. The slump recorded by the Office for National Statistics follows a 2.2% quarterly contraction in the first three months of the year. ( (AP Photo/Matt Dunham, File)
People exercise in St James Park in London, Sunday, May 10, 2020 during the nation-wide coronavirus lockdown. Personal exercise while observing social distancing measures is allowed under government lockdown guidelines. (AP Photo/Frank Augstein)
People, some wearing masks queue outside a John Lewis store, in London, Thursday, July 16, 2020. Unemployment across the U.K. has held steady during the coronavirus lockdown as a result of a government salary support scheme, but there are clear signals emerging that job losses will skyrocket over coming months. The Office for National Statistics said Thursday there were 649,000 fewer people, or 2.2%, on payroll in June when compared with March when the lockdown restrictions were imposed. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant)
Tourists watch soap bubbles along the Thames river, London, backdropped by St. Paul's Cathedral, Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2015. (AP Photo/Christophe Ena)
People walk across Westminster Bridge by the Houses of Parliament in London, Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012.  (AP Photo/Matt Dunham)

Nella prima fase della pandemia di Covid 19, a favorire l’immunità di gregge tanto agognata dal premier Boris Johnson, nel Regno Unito sono stati paradossalmente gli ospedali, dove non si è riusciti a isolare gli ammalati e a bloccare i contagi. Lo rivela un articolo della rivista The Lancet, che ha pubblicato uno studio, coordinato da Jonathan Read, condotto dai ricercatori delle Università di Lancester, Liverpool, Edimburgo, Birmingham e dell’Imperial College di Londra che hanno esaminato le cartelle cliniche dei pazienti che si sono ammalati prima del primo agosto 2020 e sono stati coinvolti in una ricerca condotta dall’International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infections Consortium (Isaric).

Ebbene, in 314 ospedali britannicii, più dell’11,1% dei degenti è stato contagiato dal Covid dopo il ricovero. Complessivamente, la cifra oscilla tra i 5.699 e gli 11.862, ma potrebbe essere sottostimata, in quanto non prende in considerazione quanti hanno scoperto di avere il Covid solo dopo essere stati dimessi.

La ricerca infligge un duro colpo alla rete ospedaliera del Regno Unito, che non è stata in grado di assicurare protocolli adeguati per proteggere i pazienti.

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