Bambini senza scuola in Yemen e basi negate negli Emirati Arabi Uniti

Mentre crescono le pressioni per rimuovere il divieto di fornitura di bombe ad Arabia Saudita e Emirati Arabi Uniti, l’Unicef comuniche che, «a sei anni dall’inizio del devastante conflitto in Yemen, ancora in corso, l’istruzione dei bambini nel Paese ne è diventata una delle maggiori vittime. Poco più di 2 milioni di ragazze e ragazzi in età scolare non stanno andando a scuola, a causa della povertà» e delle altre consuenze della guerra.

FILE - In this Dec. 30, 2020 file photo, people run following an explosion at the airport in Aden, Yemen, shortly after a plane carrying the newly formed Cabinet landed.  Yemen’s war began in September 2014, when the Houthis seized the capital Sanaa. Saudi Arabia, along with the United Arab Emirates and other countries, entered the war alongside Yemen’s internationally recognized government in March 2015. The war has killed some 130,000 people and driven the Arab world’s poorest country to the brink of famine.  (AP Photo, File)
Yemeni fighters backed by the Saudi-led coalition ride on the back of an armored vehicle as they leave the front lines of Marib, Yemen, Saturday, June 19, 2021. Yemen has been convulsed by a civil war since 2014 when Houthis took control of the capital of Sanaa and much of the northern part of the country. That forced the government of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi to flee to the south, then to Saudi Arabia.  (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty)
FILE - In this Sept. 9, 2015 file photo, smoke rises after an airstrike by the Saudi-led coalition on an army base in Sanaa, Yemen.  Yemen’s war began in September 2014, when the Houthis seized the capital Sanaa. Saudi Arabia, along with the United Arab Emirates and other countries, entered the war alongside Yemen’s internationally recognized government in March 2015. The war has killed some 130,000 people and driven the Arab world’s poorest country to the brink of famine. (AP Photo/Hani Mohammed)
FILE - In this July 11, 2016 file photo, Yemen born Jewish Israeli Yona Josef holds a photograph dated back to the 1940's of her and her father back in Yemen in her home in Raanana, Israel. Josef said she was asked to take her 4-year-old sister Saada to a health clinic and leave her there. When she returned several hours later, she was told her sister was dead and the family was given no further details or a body to bury. The Israeli government has approved a plan to offer $50 million in compensation to the families of hundreds of Yemenite children who disappeared in the early years of the country’s establishment. But the announcement on Monday, Feb. 22, 2021, received a cool reception from advocacy groups that said the government had failed to apologize or accept responsibility for the affair. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit, File)
FILE - In this Mar. 2, 2021 file photo, honor guards and armed Houthi fighters carry a coffin of a Houthi rebel fighter who was killed in recent fighting with forces of Yemen's internationally recognized government during his funeral procession in Sanaa, Yemen. An offensive by Yemen's Iran-backed Houthi rebels in the province of Marib has already displaced hundreds of thousands, but it is also sparking fighting on the country's other front lines and endangering peace efforts to end the grinding civil war. (AP Photo/Hani Mohammed, File)
Demonstrators hold images of Yemeni civilians who were barred from immigrating to the United States during an
Demonstrators hold images of Yemeni civilians who were barred from immigrating to the United States during an
A Houthi supporter chant slogans as he attends a rally marking six years for a Saudi-led coalition in Sanaa, Yemen, Friday, March 26, 2021. A fuel tank at an oil facility in Saudi Arabia caught fire after being struck in an attack by Yemen's Houthi rebels, officials said Friday, an attack that came on the sixth anniversary of the kingdom's entry into Yemen's yearslong civil war. (AP Photo/Hani Mohammed)
FILE - In this July 30, 2018, file photo, a 17-year-old boy holds his weapon at the dam in Marib, Yemen. The battle for the ancient desert city has become key to understanding wider tensions now inflaming the Middle East and the challenges facing any efforts by President Joe Biden’s administration to shift U.S. troops out of the region. (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty, File)
FILE - In this March 7, 2021 file photo, smoke rises after Saudi-led airstrikes on an army base in Sanaa, Yemen. A first round of direct talks held in April 2021, in Iraq, between regional rivals Saudi Arabia and Iran is seen as a positive sign of de-escalation following years of animosity that has often spilled over into neighboring countries and a still-raging war in Yemen. (AP Photo/Hani Mohammed, File)
FILE - In this April 7, 2021 file photo, women carry sacks of goods in a street market in Kabul, Afghanistan. Afghanistan remains one of the worst countries in the world for women, after only Yemen and Syria, according to an index kept by Georgetown University’s Institute for Women, Peace and Security. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul, File)
A Yemeni girl receives a vitamin after receiving a polio vaccination during a house-to-house polio immunization campaign in Sanaa, Yemen, Sunday, May 30, 2021. (AP Photo/Hani Mohammed)
A Yemeni health worker gives the polio vaccination to a girl during a house-to-house polio immunization campaign in Sanaa, Yemen, Sunday, May 30, 2021. (AP Photo/Hani Mohammed)
A Yemeni health worker gives the polio vaccination to a child during a house-to-house polio immunization campaign in Sanaa, Yemen, Sunday, May 30, 2021. (AP Photo/Hani Mohammed)
Yemeni fighters backed by the Saudi-led coalition prepare for clashes with Houthi rebels on the Kassara frontline near Marib, Yemen, Sunday, June 20, 2021. (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty)
Yemeni fighters backed by the Saudi-led coalition on the Kassara frontline near Marib, Yemen, Sunday, June 20, 2021. (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty)
Yemeni fighters backed by the Saudi-led coalition ride on the back of an armored vehicle as they leave the front lines near Marib, Yemen, Saturday, June 19, 2021. (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty)
Gamila Salih Ali, right, and Ahmed Farag, mother and uncle of two-year-old Liyan Taher, seen in poster at left, who was killed with her father 32-year-old Taher Farag, seen in poster at right, in a ballistic missile and an explosive-laden drone fired by Yemen's Houthi rebels that hit a fuel station on June 5, 2021 in Rawdha neighborhood, show a poster with photos of them at their home in Marib, Yemen, Saturday, June 19, 2021. (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty)
The damaged car belonging to 32-year-old Taher Farag and his two-year-old daughter Liyan Taher, who were both killed on June 5, 2021 from a ballistic missile and an explosive-laden drone fired by Yemen's Houthi rebels hitting a fuel station in the Rawdha neighborhood of the central city of Marib, Yemen, Sunday, June 20, 2021. (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty)

Si fanno sempre più intense le pressioni, all’interno della maggioranza del governo Draghi, per rimuovere il divieto imposto alla fornitura di sistemi d’arma prodotti dalla Rwm Italia con destinazione Arabia Saudita e Emirati Arabi uniti.
La decisione presa dall’allora governo Conte 2 ha, tra l’altro, così fortemente contrariato gli Emirati Arabi uniti da indurli a chiedere ai militari italiani di lasciare la locale base di al-Minhad.

Nel frattempo arrivano, da parte dell’Unicef, allarmanti aggiornamenti sulla situazione in Yemen, teatro del conflitto armato in corso dal 2015 che vede tra gli attori principali la coalizione militare a guida saudita.
Secondo l’Unicef, «a sei anni dall’inizio del devastante conflitto in Yemen, ancora in corso, l’istruzione dei bambini nel Paese ne è diventata una delle maggiori vittime. Poco più di 2 milioni di ragazze e ragazzi in età scolare non stanno andando a scuola, a causa della povertà, del conflitto e della mancanza di opportunità che compromettono la loro istruzione. Questo numero è raddoppiato rispetto ai bambini che non frequentavano la scuola nel 2015, quando il conflitto è cominciato».

Le scuole come gli ospedali, come riportano i rapporti Onu e delle Ong presenti, continuano ad essere colpiti pur non rappresentando degli obiettivi militari, violando così il diritto umanitario internazionale e provocando vittime civili innocenti.


Foto Ap ( per scelta esplicita non riportiamo le foto pur presenti delle agenzie che documentano le stragi dei bambini)

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