
Calcio e affari, lo spot della Supercoppa in Arabia Saudita

Calcio spettacolo e scenari politici. Oltre lo spot della supercoppa del calcio italiano in Arabia Saudita

People wear face masks to protect against the spread of the coronavirus as they walk at a public park in Jiddah, Saudi Arabia, Friday, Feb. 5, 2021. In Saudi Arabia, where authorities already have banned travel to the kingdom from 20 countries including the U.S., officials ordered all weddings and parties suspended. It closed down all shopping malls, gyms and other locations for 10 days, as well as indoor dining. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil)
A Saudi worshipper wears face mask to prevent the spread of coronavirus during Friday prayers at Al- Jaffali mosque during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, in Jiddah, Saudi Arabia, Friday, April 30, 2021. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil)
A Muslim worshipper reads verses of the Quran on his personal mobile phone to prevent the spread of coronavirus ahead of Friday prayer at Al- Jaffali mosque during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, in Jiddah, Saudi Arabia, Friday, April 30, 2021. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil)
Saudi cleric Mohammed Al Hajj recites the call to prayers as worshippers wearing face masks and observing social distancing guidelines to protect against the new coronavirus, attend prayers at Al- Jaffali mosque ahead of Friday prayer during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, in Jiddah, Saudi Arabia, Friday, April 30, 2021. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil)
Saudi passenger, Sultan Saeed Al-Shahrani, shows his vaccination certificate on his phone, at a checkpoint in King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jiddah, Saudi Arabia, Monday, May 17, 2021. Vaccinated Saudis will be allowed to leave the kingdom for the first time in more than a year as the country eases a ban on international travel that had been in place to try and contain the spread of the coronavirus and its new variants. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil)
Saudi passenger, Sultan Saeed Al-Shahrani, shows his vaccination certificate on his mobile phone, at a checkpoint at King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jiddah, Saudi Arabia, Monday, May 17, 2021. Vaccinated Saudis will be allowed to leave the kingdom for the first time in more than a year as the country eases a ban on international travel that had been in place to try and contain the spread of the coronavirus and its new variants. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil)
Saudi passengers enter King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jiddah, Saudi Arabia, Monday, May 17, 2021. Vaccinated Saudis will be allowed to leave the kingdom for the first time in more than a year as the country eases a ban on international travel that had been in place to try and contain the spread of the coronavirus and its new variants. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil)
Saudi passengers greet each other as they prepare to fly out of King Abdulaziz International Airport, in Jiddah, Saudi Arabia, Monday, May 17, 2021. Vaccinated Saudis are allowed to leave the kingdom for the first time in more than a year as the country eases a ban on international travel that had been in place to try and contain the spread of the coronavirus and its new variants. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil)
Saudi exhibitors talk at their stand at the Arabian Travel Market exhibition, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Sunday, May 16, 2021. Vaccinated Saudis are allowed to leave the kingdom for the first time in more than a year on Monday as the country eases a ban on international travel aimed at containing the spread of the coronavirus and its new variants. (AP Photo/Kamran Jebreili)
A woman waits to receive her first dose of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine at a vaccination center, at the old Jiddah airport, Saudi Arabia, Tuesday, May 18, 2021. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil)
A Saudi physician gives a Pfizer coronavirus vaccine to a man at a vaccination center in the old Jiddah airport, Saudi Arabia, Tuesday, May 18, 2021. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil)
A Saudi health worker carries a tray of Pfizer coronavirus vaccines, at a vaccination center in the old Jiddah airport, Saudi Arabia, Tuesday, May 18, 2021. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil)
Muslim pilgrims circumambulate the Kaaba, the cubic building at the Grand Mosque, as they wear masks and social distance during the minor pilgrimage, known as Umrah, in the Muslim holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Sunday, May 30, 2021.(AP Photo/Amr Nabil)
Saudi police watch Muslim pilgrims to ensure social distancing to help stop the spread of the coronavirus, as they circumambulate the Kaaba, during the minor pilgrimage, known as Umrah, at the Grand Mosque, in the Muslim holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Sunday, May 30, 2021.(AP Photo/Amr Nabil)
A man prays as Muslim pilgrims social distance to help stop the spread of the coronavirus, as they circumambulate the Kaaba, during the minor pilgrimage, known as Umrah, at the Grand Mosque, in the Muslim holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Sunday, May 30, 2021.(AP Photo/Amr Nabil)
Workers disinfect the grounds as Muslim pilgrims circumambulate around the Kaaba, the cubic building at the Grand Mosque, during the minor pilgrimage, known as Umrah, at the Grand Mosque, in the Muslim holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Sunday, May 30, 2021. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil)
Muslim pilgrims circumambulate around the Kaaba, the cubic building at the Grand Mosque, as they keep social distancing to help stop the spread of the coronavirus, during the minor pilgrimage, known as Umrah, in the Muslim holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Sunday, May 30, 2021. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil)
Muslim pilgrims wear face masks to help stop the spread of the coronavirus as they pray in front of the holy Al Safaa mountain at the Grand Mosque in the Muslim holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Sunday, May 30, 2021. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil)
A Muslim pilgrim wears a face mask to help stop the spread of the coronavirus as he prays at the Grand Mosque in the Muslim holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Sunday, May 30, 2021. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil)
Muslim pilgrims wear face masks to help stop the spread of the coronavirus as they pose for selfies at the Grand Mosque in the Muslim holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Sunday, May 30, 2021. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil)
Muslim pilgrims circumambulate the Kaaba, the cubic building at the Grand Mosque, as they wear masks and keep social distancing during the minor pilgrimage, known as Umrah, in the Muslim holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Sunday, May 30, 2021.(AP Photo/Amr Nabil)
Piero Cruciatti / LaPresse
Foto Piero Cruciatti / LaPresse
15/05/21 - Torino, Italia
Sport, Calcio
Juventus vs Inter - Campionato italiano di calcio Serie A TIM 2020-2021 - Allianz Stadium
Nella foto: Nicolò Barella, Cristiano Ronaldo
Foto Piero Cruciatti / LaPresse
15/05/21 - Turin, Italy
Sport, Soccer
Juventus vs Inter - Italian Football Championship 2020-2021 at Allianz Stadium
In the photo:Nicolò Barella, Cristiano Ronaldo

Calcio e affari. Arabia Saudita e Italia. Le belle foto dell’agenzia Ap permettono di affacciarci in questo interessante Paese che rappresenta l’alleato fondamentale degli Stati Uniti nel quadrante medio orientale, assieme allo stato di Israele. Dal pellegrinaggio al luogo sacro della Mecca alla campagna vaccinale fino alle nuove tecnologie accessibili in una società che mostra alti livelli di vita di tipo occidentale.

Non sorprende, perciò, che anche la prossima finale della Supercoppa italiana si disputerà in uno stadio saudita con tanto di pubblico. «Uno spot per il nostro calcio», come conferma il presidente della Lega di serie A.

Una decisione in linea con i rapporti in corso su altri versanti, come la fornitura di navi da guerra assicurate a Fincantieri tramite la sua controllata statunitense, mentre i portuali di Genova che si sono opposti al carico di armi dirette in Arabia Saudita sono sotto inchiesta.

Per cercare di capire la logica sottesa a tali dinamiche va letto con molta attenzione il progetto di modernizzazione disegnato nella strategia Saudi Vision 2030 elaborato dalla società di consulenza McKinsey e quindi i lavori in preparazione del World Defence Show che si terrà a marzo 2022.

Il calcio spettacolo, non quello autenticamente popolare, è fisiologicamente connaturale alla logica degli affari. Almeno fino a quando una corretta informazione non aiuterà a concentrare l’attenzione non passeggera su ciò che conta davvero nel creare rapporti tra gli Stati e i popoli nel segno della ricerca del bene comune e della giustizia.


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