Colombia, austerità in tempo di Covid

Scontri. Il presidente della Colombia, Ivan Duque, ha deciso di ritirare la bozza di riforma fiscale in discussione al Congresso. Ma il problema che resta è quello della disequità

A police officer fires tear gas at protesters during a strike against tax reform in Cali, Colombia, Monday, May 3, 2021. Colombia's President Ivan Duque withdrew the government-proposed tax reform on Sunday. (AP Photo/Andres Gonzalez)
University students march during a national strike against tax reform in Bogota, Colombia, Monday, May 3, 2021. Colombia's President Ivan Duque withdrew the government-proposed tax reform on Sunday. (AP Photo/Fernando Vergara)
University student are reflected on a puddle during a national strike against tax reform in Bogota, Colombia, Monday, May 3, 2021. Colombia's President Ivan Duque withdrew the government-proposed tax reform on Sunday. (AP Photo/Fernando Vergara)
A police officer winds up to throw a stun grenade at protesters during a national strike against tax reform in Cali, Colombia, Monday, May 3, 2021. Colombia's President Ivan Duque withdrew the government-proposed tax reform on Sunday. (AP Photo/Andres Gonzalez)
A police officer fires tear gas at protesters during a national strike against tax reform in Cali, Colombia, Monday, May 3, 2021. Colombia's President Ivan Duque withdrew the government-proposed tax reform on Sunday. (AP Photo/Andres Gonzalez)
An university student holds a Colombian flag during a national strike against tax reform in Bogota, Colombia, Monday, May 3, 2021. Colombia's President Ivan Duque withdrew the government-proposed tax reform on Sunday. (AP Photo/Fernando Vergara)
Protesters clash with police during a national strike against tax reform in Cali, Colombia, Monday, May 3, 2021. Colombia's President Ivan Duque withdrew the government-proposed tax reform on Sunday. (AP Photo/Andres Gonzalez)
Protesters protect themselves with makeshift shields as they clash with the police during a national strike against tax reform in Cali, Colombia, Monday, May 3, 2021. Colombia's President Ivan Duque withdrew the government-proposed tax reform on Sunday. (AP Photo/Andres Gonzalez)
EDS NOTE: OBSCENITY - A protester protects himself with a traffic sign as he gestures obscenely at police during a national strike against tax reform in Cali, Colombia, Monday, May 3, 2021. Colombia's President Ivan Duque withdrew the government-proposed tax reform on Sunday. (AP Photo/Andres Gonzalez)
University students march during a national strike against tax reform in Bogota, Colombia, Monday, May 3, 2021. Colombia's President Ivan Duque withdrew the government-proposed tax reform on Sunday. (AP Photo/Fernando Vergara)
Police fire tear gas at protesters during a national strike against tax reform in Cali, Colombia, Monday, May 3, 2021. Colombia's President Ivan Duque withdrew the government-proposed tax reform on Sunday. (AP Photo/Andres Gonzalez)
Protesters clash with police during a national strike against tax reform in Cali, Colombia, Monday, May 3, 2021. Colombia's President Ivan Duque withdrew the government-proposed tax reform on Sunday. (AP Photo/Andres Gonzalez)
Protesters hide behind a barricade as they clash with police during a national strike against tax reform in Cali, Colombia, Monday, May 3, 2021. Colombia's President Ivan Duque withdrew the government-proposed tax reform on Sunday. (AP Photo/Andres Gonzalez)
People light candles during a vigil in honor of Nicolas Guerrero who died after being shot during a national strike against tax reform in Cali, Colombia, Monday, May 3, 2021. Guerrero was shot during clashes with police on Sunday and died this morning. Colombia’s President Ivan Duque withdrew the government-proposed tax reform on Sunday. (AP Photo/Andres Gonzalez)
A woman holds a sign that reads in Spanish "Th strike does not stop, because I live in fear of my father being murdered," during a march by university students joining a national strike against tax reform, in Bogota, Colombia, Monday, May 3, 2021. Colombia's President Ivan Duque withdrew the government-proposed tax reform on Sunday. (AP Photo/Fernando Vergara)
Protesters run from the tear gas during a national strike against tax reform in Cali, Colombia, Monday, May 3, 2021. Colombia's President Ivan Duque withdrew the government-proposed tax reform on Sunday. (AP Photo/Andres Gonzalez)
Protesters clash with police during a national strike against tax reform in Cali, Colombia, Monday, May 3, 2021. Colombia's President Ivan Duque withdrew the government-proposed tax reform on Sunday. (AP Photo/Andres Gonzalez)
A man is helped after being injured in clashes with the police during a national strike against the tax reform in Cali, Colombia, on Monday, May 3, 2021. The president of Colombia, Iván Duque, withdrew the reform on Sunday tax proposed by the government. (AP Photo/Andrés González))

Come riporta l’agenzia Dire «Dopo quattro giorni di proteste di piazza e di scontri tra manifestanti e forze dell’ordine, con almeno 20 vittime tra i dimostranti, il presidente della Colombia, Ivan Duque, ha deciso di ritirare la bozza di riforma fiscale in discussione al Congresso».

Il progetto di riforma fiscale prevedeva l’aumento generale dell’Iva e un incremento delle tasse sui redditi medi. Si ripropongono, nonostante lo stato di pandemia, misure fiscali di austerità destinate ad incidere negativamente sulla parte più povera della popolazione.

Alberto Barlocci su Città Nuova ha messo in evidenza che «in America Latina metà delle entrate statali dipende da imposte come l’Iva, che si abbattono su ricchi e poveri senza distinzione. E se nei paesi dell’Ocse (Organizzazione per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo) le tasse sui grandi patrimoni rappresentano l’8,3% del Pil, in America Latina pesano solo per l’1,8%».

L’attivista campesina Olga Chivatá, su twitter, ha invitato i rappresentanti del governo colombiano a provare a vivere con il reddito di un contadino, anche solo per 2 settimane, per capire la distanza abissale che separa le classi sociali agiate dal resto del Paese.

È dunque necessario intervenire nei meccanismi di ridistribuzione del reddito in maniera equa per uscire insieme dalla crisi.

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