
Il ciclone Tauktae si abbatte sull’India

Molti cittadini sono stati allontanati dalle case per raggiungere rifugi comuni, suscitando nuove preoccupazioni sulla diffusione del contagio, già fuori controllo nel Paese

A taxi car that was damaged after a tree fell on it during a heavy rain in Mumbai, India, Monday, May 17, 2021.  Cyclone Tauktae, roaring in the Arabian Sea was moving toward India's western coast on Monday as authorities tried to evacuate hundreds of thousands of people and suspended COVID-19 vaccinations in one state. (AP Photo/Rajanish Kakade)
A man walks through a waterlogged street, in Mumbai, India, Monday, May 17, 2021.  Cyclone Tauktae, roaring in the Arabian Sea was moving toward India's western coast on Monday as authorities tried to evacuate hundreds of thousands of people and suspended COVID-19 vaccinations in one state. (AP Photo/Rajanish Kakade)
Commuters wade through a waterlogged street during a heavy rain in Mumbai, India, Monday, May 17, 2021.  Cyclone Tauktae, roaring in the Arabian Sea was moving toward India's western coast on Monday as authorities tried to evacuate hundreds of thousands of people and suspended COVID-19 vaccinations in one state. (AP Photo/Rajanish Kakade)
A car stands damaged after a tree fell on it in Mumbai, India, Monday, May 17, 2021. Cyclone Tauktae, roaring in the Arabian Sea was moving toward India's western coast on Monday as authorities tried to evacuate hundreds of thousands of people and suspended COVID-19 vaccinations in one state. (AP Photo/Rafiq Maqbool)
Fishermen try to move a fishing boat to a safer ground on the Arabian Sea coast in Mumbai, India, Monday, May 17, 2021. Cyclone Tauktae, roaring in the Arabian Sea was moving toward India's western coast on Monday as authorities tried to evacuate hundreds of thousands of people and suspended COVID-19 vaccinations in one state. (AP Photo/Rafiq Maqbool)
A woman walks through a waterlogged street in Mumbai, India, Monday, May 17, 2021. Cyclone Tauktae, roaring in the Arabian Sea was moving toward India's western coast on Monday as authorities tried to evacuate hundreds of thousands of people and suspended COVID-19 vaccinations in one state. (AP Photo/Rafiq Maqbool)
Cows take shelter from rain outside a closed shop during a lockdown imposed to curb the spread of coronavirus in Kochi, Kerala state, India, Saturday, May 15, 2021. With cyclonic storm
(AP Photo/R. Parthibhan)

Non c’è pace per l’India, già martoriata da una devastante ondata di Covid. Si è abbattuto sul Paese il ciclone Tauktae, la più violenta tempesta dal 1998 a oggi. Coinvolti gli Stati del Kerala, Karnataka e Goa. Le violente piogge hanno già ucciso sei persone. Si sta parlando di un ciclone di categoria 3, con raffiche di vento fino a 200 km/h, fomatosi sul Mar Arabico. Diverse abitazioni sono state distrutte dalla furia della tempesta e l’elettricità è stata interrotta in diversi distretti degli Stati interessati. Anche Mumbai, metropoli di 12 milioni di abitanti, sarà interessata dalla tempesta. Molti cittadini sono stati allontanati dalle case per raggiungere rifugi comuni, suscitando nuove preoccupazioni sulla diffusione del contagio.

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