
Strage in una guesthouse

Decine di morti nella provincia di Logar per un'autobomba esplosa presso una foresteria

Afghans wait outside the hospital to see their relatives in Kabul, Afghanistan, Friday, April 30, 2021. A powerful suicide truck bombing struck a guest house in eastern Afghanistan on Friday, killing over 10 people and wounding as many as 90, the Interior Ministry said. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul)
Afghans wait outside the hospital to see their relatives in Kabul, Afghanistan, Friday, April 30, 2021. A powerful suicide truck bombing struck a guest house in eastern Afghanistan on Friday, killing over 10 people and wounding as many as 90, the Interior Ministry said. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul)
FILE - In this Jan. 15, 2018, file photo, U.S. Marines watch during the change of command ceremony at Task Force Southwest military field in Shorab military camp of Helmand province, Afghanistan. The final phase of ending America's “forever war” in Afghanistan after 20 years formally began Saturday, May 1, 2021, with the withdrawal of the last U.S. and NATO troops by the end of summer.(AP Photo/Massoud Hossaini, File)
FILE - In this Sept. 11, 2011 file photo, a U.S. Army soldier walks past an American Flag hanging in preparation for a ceremony commemorating the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, at Forward Operating Base Bostick in Kunar province, Afghanistan. The final phase of ending America's “forever war” in Afghanistan after 20 years formally began Saturday, May 1, 2021, with the withdrawal of the last U.S. and NATO troops by the end of summer.(AP Photo/David Goldman, File)

Il numero di morti è ancora imprecisato, ma il bilancio è comunque pesante: voci ufficiali parlano di 14 persone, ma un consigliere provinciale ha riferito di 25 persone decedute sotto le macerie di una foresteria. L’obiettivo infatti era la casa dell’ex capo del Consiglio provinciale, Didar Lawang, ma la strage non è stata ancora rivendicata. Stanno però crescendo le violenze nel Paese dopo l’annuncio da parte del presidente Usa Biden del rinvio a settembre del ritiro delle truppe statunitensi dal territorio afghano. E quindi con tutta probabilità questo atto di terrorismo chiama direttamente in causa i talebani, con i quali Trump aveva concordato lo stop alla missione in Afghanistan. (foto Ap)

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