
I colori dell’Holi Fest

Anche quest'anno si rinnova il festoso rito di origine indiana

Hindu devotees dance as colored powder is thrown on them at Ladali, or Radha temple, at the legendary hometown of Radha, consort of Hindu God Krishna, during Lathmar holi, in Barsana, 115 kilometers (71 miles) from New Delhi, India, Tuesday, March 23, 2021. In Lathmar Holi the women of Barsana beat men from Nandgaon, the hometown of Krishna, with wooden sticks in response to their teasing. (AP Photo)
Hindu devotees sit on the steps of Radha temple at the legendary hometown of Radha, consort of Hindu God Krishna, during Lathmar holi, in Barsana, 115 kilometers (71 miles) from New Delhi, India, Tuesday, March 23, 2021. During Lathmar Holi the women of Barsana beat men from Nandgaon, the hometown of Krishna, with wooden sticks in response to their teasing (AP Photo)
People shop for water guns ahead of Holi, the Hindu festival of colors, in New Delhi, India, Thursday, March 25, 2021. (AP Photo/Manish Swarup)
People shop for water pistols ahead of Holi, the Hindu festival of colors, in New Delhi, India, Thursday, March 25, 2021. (AP Photo/Manish Swarup)
Hindu devotees dance as colored powder is thrown at them at Ladali, or Radha temple, at the legendary hometown of Radha, consort of Hindu God Krishna, during Lathmar Holi, in Barsana, India, 115 kilometers (71 miles) from New Delhi, on Tuesday, March 23, 2021. During the holiday, the women of Barsana beat men from Nandgaon, the hometown of Krishna, with wooden sticks in response to their teasing. (AP Photo)
Indians smear colored powder on each other as they celebrate Holi in Jammu, India, Sunday, March 28, 2021. Holi, the Hindu festival of colors, also heralds the arrival of spring. (AP Photo/Channi Anand)
Indians play with colors as they celebrate Holi in Jammu, India, Sunday, March 28, 2021. Holi, the Hindu festival of colors, also heralds the arrival of spring. (AP Photo/Channi Anand)
Nepalese people throw colors on each other as they celebrate Holi festival in Kathmandu, Nepal, Sunday, March 28, 2021. Despite authorities urging people to celebrate the festival indoors only in view of COVID-19, thousands were celebrating outdoors in the capital. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)
Nepalese people throw colors on each other as they celebrate Holi festival in Kathmandu, Nepal, Sunday, March 28, 2021. Despite authorities urging people to celebrate the festival indoors only in view of COVID-19, thousands were celebrating outdoors in the capital. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

Certamente è la festa religiosa più colorata di cui abbiamo notizia. Durante l’Holi Fest, o Festa dei colori, infatti, è usanza sporcarsi con polveri colorate per simboleggiare la rinascita e la reincarnazione. È osservata principalmente in India, in Nepal e nelle zone del mondo con significativi gruppi di popolazioni di origini indiane. Nel tempo è divenuta anche, da un punto di vista laico, la celebrazione della primavera e dei colori, e quindi si è sviluppata anche in America ed Europa. Capita infatti, a ridosso dell’equinozio di primavera, in un giorno di plenilunio. Quest’anno sarà domenica 28 marzo. La festa si inaugura con un falò che prende il nome di Holika Dahan, dove Holika è il nome di un demone delle Scritture indu e veda. E la mattina la festa esplode in un tripudio di giochi, danze e canti. In tempo di Covid le autorità hanno esortato la popolazione a celebrare la festa al chiuso, ma nonostante questo migliaia di persone hanno invaso le strade. (foto Ap)

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