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Israele, elezioni in tempo di pandemia

Oltre 6 milioni di elettori per decidere la composizione della Knesset. Assemblea di 120 parlamentari eletti con il sistema proporzionale con soglia di sbarramento al 3,25%

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish man arrives to vote for Israel's parliamentary election at a polling station in Bnei Brak, Israel, Tuesday, March. 23, 2021. Israel is holding its fourth election in less than two years. (AP Photo/Oded Balilty)
A man votes for Israel's parliamentary election at a special polling station for people who are in quarantine for coronavirus in Jerusalem, Tuesday, March 23, 2021. (AP Photo/Maya Alleruzzo)
COVID-19 patient Rahamim Havura votes for Israel's parliamentary election inside an intensive care ward for coronavirus patients at Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv, Israel, Tuesday, March. 23, 2021. Israel is holding its fourth election in less than two years. (AP Photo/Oded Balilty)
A COVID-19 patient votes for Israel's parliamentary election inside an intensive care ward for coronavirus patients at Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv, Israel, Tuesday, March. 23, 2021. Israel is holding its fourth election in less than two years. (AP Photo/Oded Balilty)
An Israeli Arab votes for Israel's parliamentary election at a polling station in Maghar, Israel, Tuesday, March. 23, 2021. Israel is holding its fourth election in less than two years. (AP Photo/Mahmoud Illean)
Yesh Atid party leader Yair Lapid and his wife Lihi vote for Israel's parliamentary election at a polling station in Tel Aviv, Israel, Tuesday, March. 23, 2021. Israel is holding its fourth election in less than two years. (AP Photo/Sebastian Scheiner)
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu prepares to cast his ballot at a polling station as Israelis vote in a general election, in Jerusalem, Tuesday, March 23, 2021. Israelis began voting on Tuesday in the country's fourth parliamentary election in two years — a highly charged referendum on the divisive rule of  Netanyahu. (Ronen Zvulun/Pool via AP)
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara cast their ballots at a polling station in Jerusalem, Tuesday, March 23, 2021. Israelis began voting on Tuesday in the country's fourth parliamentary election in two years — a highly charged referendum on the divisive rule of  Netanyahu. (Ronen Zvulun/Pool via AP)
A women votes for Israel's parliamentary election at a special drive-in polling station for people who are in quarantine for coronavirus, in Ramat Gan, Israel, Tuesday, March. 23, 2021. Israel is holding its fourth election in less than two years.(AP Photo/Oded Balilty)

Giornata elettorale, il 23 marzo 2021, in Israele nonostante la pandemia di Coronavirus. È il quarto appuntamento alle urne in 4 anni. Segno di instabilità politica registrato dal sistema proporzionale, a collegio unico e liste bloccate,  adottato per scegliere i 120 parlamentari della Knesset.

La soglia di sbarramento del 3,25% induce a creare alleanze per poter entrare nell’assise parlamentare e poter incidere nella formazione del nuovo governo che vede ancora come preferito Netanyahu. Stavolta potrebbe avere anche il sostegno esterno del partito islamista Raam che ha abbandonato la Lista araba unita. Si registra molto debole nei sondaggi la componente laburista in un equilibrio di forze ormai mutato da tempo in Israele.

Risultati in diretta dalle ore 22, ora di chiusura e di inizio spoglio delle schede dei potenziali 6.528.656 elettori.

Un voto che, come al solito, è decisivo non solo sul quadrante del Medio Oriente.

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