
Violenta alluvione nel Nuovo Galles del Sud in Australia: 18mila gli evacuati

I cittadini dello Stato australiano nel Sud-Est del Paese stanno facendo i conti in queste ore con un'alluvione che ha inondato l'intera costa centro-settentrionale

 (AP Photo/Rick Rycroft)
Two women embrace as they stand on a flooded road at Old Pitt Town, north west of Sydney, Australia, Sunday, March 21, 2021. Australia's most populous state of New South Wales on Sunday issued more evacuation orders following the worst flooding in decades. (AP Photo/Mark Baker)
A warning sing is partially obscured by water on a flooded road in Windsor, northwest of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, Monday, March 22, 2021. Hundreds of people have been rescued from floodwaters that have isolated dozens of towns in Australia's most populous state New South Wales and forced thousands to evacuate their homes as record rain continues. (AP Photo/Rick Rycroft)
A man paddles through flood waters at Londonderry on the western outskirts of Sydney, Australia, Monday, March 22, 2021. Hundreds of people have been rescued from floodwaters that have isolated dozens of towns in Australia's most populous state of New South Wales and forced thousands to evacuate their homes as record rain continues to inundate the countries east coast. (AP Photo/Mark Baker)
An abandoned excavator still has its flashing warning light working as it is engulfed by water from the flooded Hawkesbury River in Windsor, northwest of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, Monday, March 22, 2021. Hundreds of people have been rescued from floodwaters that have isolated dozens of towns in Australia's most populous state New South Wales and forced thousands to evacuate their homes as record rain continues. (AP Photo/Rick Rycroft)
Debris floats past a partially submerged business flooded by water from the Hawkesbury River in Windsor, northwest of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, Monday, March 22, 2021. Hundreds of people have been rescued from floodwaters that have isolated dozens of towns in Australia's most populous state New South Wales and forced thousands to evacuate their homes as record rain continues. (AP Photo/Rick Rycroft)
Vehicles are submerged in a flooded yard near Londonderry on the western outskirts of Sydney, Australia, Monday, March 22, 2021. Hundreds of people have been rescued from floodwaters that have isolated dozens of towns in Australia's most populous state of New South Wales and forced thousands to evacuate their homes as record rain continues to inundate the countries east coast. (AP Photo/Mark Baker)

Nello stato australiano del Nuovo Galles del Sud, cui Sidney è la capitale, un’alluvione ha costretto oltre 18mila persone all’evacuazione. Negli ultimi giorni forti piogge avevano infatti causato lo straripamento di fiumi e dighe nella zona. Per il momento non ci sono notizie di morti, nonostante l’alluvione sia descritta dalle autorità locali come la più grave da almeno 50 anni. Anche la zona a sud-est del Queensland, stato che confina con il Nuovo Galles del Sud, ha subito inondazioni. Foto: Ap

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