
Cop26, manifestazioni per il clima in tutto il mondo

Nuove manifestazioni in concomitanza con la conferenza che si sta tenendo a Glasgow

Extinction Rebellion activists protest on Muizenberg Beach in Cape Town, South Africa, Saturday, Nov. 6, 2021.Many people across the world are taking part in protests as the first week of the COP26, UN Climate Summit in Glasgow comes to an end. (AP Photo/Nardus Engelbrecht)
People attend a Climate Strike demonstration in Zurich, Switzerland, Saturday, Nov. 6, 2021. Many people across the world are taking part in protests as the first week of the COP26, UN Climate Summit in Glasgow comes to an end. (Michael Buholzer/Keystone via AP)
Police officers accompany climate activists as they march during a protest organized by the Cop26 Coalition in Glasgow, Scotland, Saturday, Nov. 6, 2021 which is the host city of the COP26 U.N. Climate Summit. The protest was taking place as leaders and activists from around the world were gathering in Scotland's biggest city for the U.N. climate summit, to lay out their vision for addressing the common challenge of global warming. (AP Photo/Scott Heppell)
Climate activists dressed as rats attend a protest organized by the Cop26 Coalition in Glasgow, Scotland, Saturday, Nov. 6, 2021 which is the host city of the COP26 U.N. Climate Summit. The protest was taking place as leaders and activists from around the world were gathering in Scotland's biggest city for the U.N. climate summit, to lay out their vision for addressing the common challenge of global warming. (AP Photo/Scott Heppell)
Climate activists attend a protest organized by the Cop26 Coalition in Glasgow, Scotland, Saturday, Nov. 6, 2021 which is the host city of the COP26 U.N. Climate Summit. The protest was taking place as leaders and activists from around the world were gathering in Scotland's biggest city for the U.N. climate summit, to lay out their vision for addressing the common challenge of global warming. (AP Photo/Alberto Pezzali)
Climate activists from Extinction Rebellion march during a protest organized by the Cop26 Coalition in Glasgow, Scotland, Saturday, Nov. 6, 2021 which is the host city of the COP26 U.N. Climate Summit. The protest was taking place as leaders and activists from around the world were gathering in Scotland's biggest city for the U.N. climate summit, to lay out their vision for addressing the common challenge of global warming. (AP Photo/Scott Heppell)

Anche oggi continuano le proteste e le manifestazioni dei giovani e di tutti quanti si riconoscono nel messaggio dei Fridays for future. A Glasgow, a Londra e anche in molte altre piazze del mondo i militanti ambientalisti criticano la mancanza di operosità e decisioni a favore della lotta al cambiamento climatico. Anche oggi a Glasgow è prevista la presenza di Greta Thunberg, dopo che ieri ha urlato la sua rabbia per il fallimento della Cop26. (foto Ap)

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