
Torna il confinamento in Europa

Vaccini obbligatori per tutta la popolazione e confinamento totale in Austria

People gather on the shopping street Marienhilfer Strasse in Vienna, Austria, Friday, Nov. 19, 2021. Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg says the country will go into a national lockdown to contain a fourth wave of coronavirus cases. Schallenberg said the lockdown will start Monday, Nov.22 and initially last for 10 days. (AP Photo/Lisa Leutner)
People walk over a nearly deserted Christmas market in Vienna, Austria, Friday, Nov. 19, 2021. Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg says the country will go into a national lockdown to contain a fourth wave of coronavirus cases. Schallenberg said the lockdown will start Monday, Nov.22 and initially last for 10 days. (AP Photo/Lisa Leutner)
File - People wearing face mask to protect against the coronavirus as they walk in front of St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna, Austria, Nov. 17, 2021. Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg says the country will go into a national lockdown to contain a fourth wave of coronavirus cases. Schallenberg said the lockdown will start Monday and initially last for 10 days. Students will have to go back into home schooling, restaurants will close and cultural events will be canceled. (AP Photo/Michael Gruber, File)
People wearing face mask to protect against the coronavirus as they walk at a shopping street in Vienna, Austria, Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2021. The Austrian a nationwide lockdown for unvaccinated people is in place to combat rising coronavirus infections and deaths. (AP Photo/Michael Gruber)
People wearing face mask to protect against the coronavirus as they visits a Christmas market in Vienna, Austria, Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2021. The Austrian a nationwide lockdown for unvaccinated people is in place to combat rising coronavirus infections and deaths. (AP Photo/Michael Gruber)
People wearing face mask to protect against the coronavirus as they visits a Christmas market in Vienna, Austria, Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2021. The Austrian a nationwide lockdown for unvaccinated people is in place to combat rising coronavirus infections and deaths. (AP Photo/Michael Gruber)
People wait in a long queue to get vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus in a public bus, that drives around the city and offers the COVID-19 vaccination without appointments and for free in Vienna, Austria, Monday, Nov. 15, 2021. (AP Photo/Lisa Leutner)
People wait in a long queue to get vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus in a public bus, that drives around the city and offers the COVID-19 vaccination without appointments and for free in Vienna, Austria, Monday, Nov. 15, 2021. (AP Photo/Lisa Leutner)
People wait in line to get vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus in a public bus, that drives around the city and offers the COVID-19 vaccination without appointments and for free in Vienna, Austria, Monday, Nov. 15, 2021. (AP Photo/Lisa Leutner)
The official vaccination against the COVID-19 virus for children between the age of 5 and 12 years start today in Vienna, Austria, Monday, Nov. 15, 2021. Additionally there is a lockdown for the people who are unvaccinated. (AP Photo/Lisa Leutner)
A young boy waits in line to receive the Pfizer vaccine against the COVID-19 disease. The official vaccination for children between the age of 5 and 12 years start today in Vienna, Austria, Monday, Nov. 15, 2021. (AP Photo/Lisa Leutner)
Children wait with their parents to receive the Pfizer vaccine against the COVID-19 disease. The official vaccination for children between the age of 5 and 12 years start today in Vienna, Austria, Monday, Nov. 15, 2021. (AP Photo/Lisa Leutner)
(AP Photo/Lisa Leutner)

Da lunedì 22 novembre, scatterà il quarto confinamento per gli austriaci. Così ha deciso il governo guidato dal cancelliere Alexander Schallenberg: una misura che si applicherà per 20 giorni.

Dopo il confinamento di due regioni, Alta Austria e Salzburgo, e delle persone non vaccinate, la coalizione al potere ha preso una decisione drastica per far fronte al virus di Covid-19 e ha optato per il confinamento totale. Le uniche attività che si potranno svolgere saranno fare la spesa, andare in farmacia, fare dei documenti amministrativi, fare una passeggiata o andare a trovare i familiari ammalati. Le scuole rimarranno aperte, ma si consiglia di seguire la didattica a distanza e di fare smartworking invece di recarsi ai propri posti di lavoro.

In più l’Esecutivo promuoverà una legge che renderà obbligatoria la vaccinazione da febbraio per cercare di contrastare la pandemia. Attualmente, con un 66% della popolazione vaccinata, l’Austria è uno dei Paesi con il tasso di immunizzazione più basso d’Europa. Secondo le ultime cifre, il Paese registra un aumento costante dei contagi, 15.809 nuovi casi nelle ultime 24 ore, fino a raggiungere un’incidenza di 1.540 per 100.000 abitanti.

Una situazione complicata, quella dell’Europa, che si trova ad affrontare una quarta ondata e diventa nuovamente l’epicentro di questa pandemia inarrestabile. (AP Photo/Lisa Leutner, Michael Gruber)

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