
Elezioni legislative in Argentina, quale rotta per un Paese in crisi?

Domenica 14 novembre, oltre 34 milioni di argentini saranno chiamati ai seggi elettorali per eleggere senatori e deputati.

A supporters of the
Argentina's Vice President Cristina Fernandez talks with Sergio Massa, Chamber of Deputies president, during the
Argentina's Vice President Cristina Fernandez acknowledges supporters during the
Argentina's President Alberto Fernández and Vice President Cristina Fernandez, attend the
Candidates for deputies for the City of Buenos Aires, Myriam Bregman
Candidates for deputies for the City of Buenos Aires, from right, María Eugenia Vidal, from
Candidate for deputy for the City of Buenos Aires María Eugenia Vidal, for
People look for their names at the voters list near a poll station during mid term primary election in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sunday, Sept. 12, 2021. Mid term ballot will be held on Nov. 14, 2021. (AP Photo/Marcos Brindicci).
A woman eats lunch in a fast food restaurant while a homeless man sleeps on a sidewalk in the streets of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Thursday, Nov. 11, 2021. In the midst of a severe economic crisis, legislative elections are scheduled for Nov. 14. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)
A woman peels potatoes in the El Alfarero popular dining room, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tuesday, Nov. 9, 2021. In the midst of a severe economic crisis, legislative elections are scheduled for this Sunday. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)
Women prepare lunch in the El Alfarero popular dining room, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tuesday, Nov. 9, 2021. In the midst of a severe economic crisis, legislative elections are scheduled for Nov. 14. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)
Residents receive free food outside the El Mision Padre Pepe popular dining room, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Thursday, Nov.11, 2021. In the midst of a severe economic crisis, legislative elections are scheduled for this Sunday. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)
Noa Osho plays with a toy gun before eating lunch donated by the El Alfarero popular dining room, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tuesday, Nov. 9, 2021. In the midst of a severe economic crisis, legislative elections are scheduled for Nov. 14.(AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)
Graciela Colman, 46, single mother of 3 daughters, eats a lunch donated by the El Alfarero popular dining room, inside her home in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Thursday, Nov. 11, 2021. In the midst of a severe economic crisis, legislative elections are scheduled for Nov. 14. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)
Unemployed since the beginning of the pandemic, Guillermo Fransca, 56, arrives where the neighbors place their bags of containers to collect free food while they wait in a line at the El Alfarero popular dining room in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tuesday, Nov. 9, 2021. In the midst of a severe economic crisis, legislative elections are scheduled for Sunday. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

Dopo le elezioni primarie del 12 settembre, il Paese latinoamericano affronta l’ardua sfida di decidere chi saranno i suoi rappresentanti al Congresso. Dei 257 deputati e 72 senatori, 127 e 24 rispettivamente saranno rinnovati. Una decisione che determinerà la direzione del Paese per i prossimi due anni, fino alle elezioni presidenziali previste per il 2023.

Finora, la coalizione al governo, il Frente de Todos, è riuscita a condurre al Senato grazie ad una maggioranza di rappresentanti. Tuttavia, la sua forza si è indebolita nelle ultime elezioni e i candidati peronisti hanno perso in 18 dei 24 distretti argentini, dando il sopravvento alla coalizione di opposizione Juntos por el Cambio.

Mentre il Paese sprofonda nella miseria, con un’inflazione costante e un tasso di povertà superiore al 40%, il Governo cerca di recuperare la sua influenza attraverso una serie di misure populiste. Manifestazioni contro la classe dirigente e difensori dei leader politici in Argentina. Dovremo aspettare fino a domenica, quando emergeranno i risultati delle elezioni, per scoprire la volontà del popolo argentino. Foto: AP/Marcos Brindicci, Natacha Pisarenko, Victor R. Caivano, Rodrigo Abd.

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