Emergenze umanitarie

I Venezuelani cercano cibo in Colombia

La riapertura del confine tra Venezuela e Colombia permette a tanti cittadini venezuelani di passare la frontiera in cerca di cibo

A man crosses illegally from Colombia to Venezuela in La Parada, Colombia, Tuesday, Oct. 5, 2021. Venezuela partially reopened its border with Colombia after closing it on 2019, a nearly three-year closure due to political tensions. (AP Photo/Ivan Valencia)
A man and a girl cross illegally into Colombia from Venezuela, near the Simon Bolivar International Bridge in La Parada near Cucuta, Colombia,  Colombia, Tuesday, Oct. 5, 2021. Venezuela partially reopened its border with Colombia after closing it on 2019, a nearly three-year closure due to political tensions. (AP Photo/Ivan Valencia)
Venezuelans cross illegally back to their country after buying supplies in La Parada near Cucuta, Colombia, Tuesday, Oct. 5, 2021. Venezuela partially reopened its border with Colombia after closing it on 2019, a nearly three-year closure due to political tensions. (AP Photo/Ivan Valencia)
Venezuelans cross illegally into Colombia from Venezuela, near the Simon Bolivar International Bridge in La Parada near Cucuta, Colombia, Tuesday, Oct. 5, 2021. Venezuela partially reopened its border with Colombia after closing it on 2019, a nearly three-year closure due to political tensions. (AP Photo/Ivan Valencia)
Venezuelans cross illegally into Colombia from Venezuela, near the Simon Bolivar International Bridge in La Parada near Cucuta, Colombia, Tuesday, Oct. 5, 2021. Venezuela partially reopened its border with Colombia after closing it on 2019, a nearly three-year closure due to political tensions. (AP Photo/Ivan Valencia)
A family of Venezuelan migrants set up camp along a beach after they and other migrants were evicted by police from Brazil Square where they were living in tents, in Iquique, Chile, Friday, Sept. 24, 2021. Hundreds of migrants from Venezuela and Colombia have been living in the historic sector of the city for over a year. (AP Photo/Ignacio Munoz)
A family of Venezuelan migrants set up camp along a beach after they and other migrants were evicted by police from Brazil Square where they were living in tents, in Iquique, Chile, Friday, Sept. 24, 2021. Hundreds of migrants from Venezuela and Colombia have been living in the historic sector of the city for over a year. (AP Photo/Ignacio Munoz)
Chilean police evict Venezuelan and Colombian migrants from Brasil Square where they are living in tents in Iquique, Chile, Friday, Sept. 24, 2021. Hundreds of migrants from Venezuela and Colombia have been living in the historic center of the city for over a year. (AP Photo/Ignacio Muñoz)
Migrants help a woman who fainted during their eviction by police from Brasil Square where they were living in tents in Iquique, Chile, Friday, Sept. 24, 2021. Hundreds of migrants from Venezuela and Colombia have been living  in the historic sector of the city for over a year. (AP Photo/Ignacio Muñoz)

In Venezuela si soffre la fame. Per questo, dopo che il Paese ha parzialmente riaperto il confine con la Colombia chiuso nel 2019 per tensioni politiche, i venezuelani hanno cominciato ad attraversare la frontiera per fare shopping a Cucuta, nel Paese confinante. Dopo aver acquistato cibo e altre merci, devono affrontare però il difficile viaggio per tornare illegalmente in Venezuela.

Anche i Colombiani, dal canto loro, non se la passano molto bene, per cui c’è emigrazione. È di questi giorni la notizia che la polizia cilena ha sfrattato centinaia di rifugiati colombiani che da oltre un anno vivevano in tenda nella piazza principale di Iquique in Cile. (AP Photo/Ivan Valencia/Ignacio Muñoz)

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