Emergenza sanitaria

Brasile, in Amazzonia manca l’ossigeno per i malati Covid

Un'emergenza a cui lo stato sta cercando di correre ai ripari mobilitando la aeronautica militare, nel frattempo i pazienti in condizioni più critiche sono stati trasferiti in ospedali di altri Stati confederati che hanno dato disponibilità

Healthcare workers and military prepare to board a COVID-19 patient onto an air force plane, at the Ponta Pelada Airport, in Manaus, Amazonas state, Brazil, Friday, Jan. 15, 2021. Some hope for Manaus, an isolated city of 2 million people, landed in a Brazilian air force plane on Friday with 6,000 liters of oxygen that are being distributed to hospitals. But as the pandemic hits hard, locals wonder how long the supply will last. (AP Photo/Edmar Barros)
A health worker cleans the area where empty oxygen tanks stand idle at Joventina Dias Hospital in Manaus, Brazil, Friday, Jan. 15, 2021. Hospital staff and relatives of COVID-19 patients rushed to provide facilities with oxygen tanks just flown into the city as doctors chose which patients would breathe amid dwindling stocks and an effort to airlift some of them to other states. (AP Photo/Edmar Barros)
A health worker stands in front of an empty oxygen tank station where used, empty cylinders stand at the only oxygen station inside Joventina Dias Hospital, a small clinic in Manaus, Brazil, Friday, Jan. 15, 2021. Hospital staff and relatives of COVID-19 patients rushed to provide facilities with oxygen tanks just flown into the city as doctors chose which patients would breathe amid dwindling stocks and an effort to airlift some of them to other states. (AP Photo/Edmar Barros)
Healthcare workers and military prepare to board a COVID-19 patient onto an air force plane, at the Ponta Pelada Airport, in Manaus, Amazonas state, Brazil, Friday, Jan. 15, 2021. Some hope for Manaus, an isolated city of 2 million people, landed in a Brazilian air force plane on Friday with 6,000 liters of oxygen that are being distributed to hospitals. But as the pandemic hits hard, locals wonder how long the supply will last. (AP Photo/Edmar Barros)
(AP Photo/Edmar Barros)
Un paziente viene trasferito in un altro ospedale del Paese, per mancanza di ossigeno (AP Photo/Edmar Barros)

Allarme in Brasile, in particolare a Manaus e in Amazzonia, dove negli ospedali mancano bombole di ossigeno medicinale. Le strutture sono al collasso e negli ospedali si vedono scene di disperazione. Il Governo ha ammesso la carenza di ossigeno e ha mobilitato l’aeronautica militare per trasportare le bombole nello stato amazzonico. Per rimediare velocemente allo stato crisi alcuni pazienti sono stati trasferiti in altri stati della confederazione che hanno offerto disponibilità.

Il Brasile è uno dei Paesi maggiormente colpiti dalla pandemia: ha registrato infatti oltre 200 mila morti dall’inizio dell’emergenza sanitaria, il secondo numero di vittime più alto al mondo, dopo gli Stati Uniti. (AP Photo/Edmar Barros)



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