
Filippine, a un anno dall’eruzione del vulcano Taal

L'area sotto sorveglianza si presenta brulla e semi-disabitata. Le immagini a un anno dal tragico evento che ha bloccato i traffici aerei e destato preoccupazione nel Paese

Fisherman Rogelito Cacao looks at the remains of his house at the Taal volcano almost a year after it erupted on Sunday, Jan. 10, 2021 in Batangas province, Philippines. Cacao regularly visits the area after feeding fish at the pens on the Taal lake. A popular tourist destination just south of Manila because of its picturesque setting in the middle of a lake, Taal erupted on Jan. 12, 2020. The eruption displaced thousands of villagers living near the area and delivered an early crisis this year for one of the world's most disaster-prone nations a couple of months before the COVID-19 pandemic broke in the country. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)
Damaged houses are seen at the Taal volcano almost a year after it erupted on Sunday, Jan. 10, 2021 in Batangas province, Philippines. A popular tourist destination just south of Manila because of its picturesque setting in the middle of a lake, Taal erupted on Jan. 12, 2020. The eruption displaced thousands of villagers living near the area and delivered an early crisis this year for one of the world's most disaster-prone nations a couple of months before the COVID-19 pandemic broke in the country. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)
A man who used to live at Taal volcano arranges his laundry at their makeshift tent at a relocation site in Balete, Batangas province, Philippines, on Sunday, Jan. 10, 2021. Some families are still living in tents and have resorted to taking odd jobs to make a living as the government has prevented them from returning back to their homes almost a year after Taal volcano erupted on Jan. 12, 2020. The eruption displaced thousands of villagers living near the area and delivered an early crisis this year for one of the world's most disaster-prone nations a couple of months before the COVID-19 pandemic broke in the country. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)
John Paulo Silva, a former resident at Taal volcano, brushes his teeth outside their tent at a relocation site in Balete, Batangas province, Philippines, Sunday, Jan. 10, 2021. Some families are still living in tents and have resorted to taking odd jobs to make a living as the government has prevented them from returning back to their homes almost a year after Taal volcano erupted on Jan. 12, 2020. The eruption displaced thousands of villagers living near the area and delivered an early crisis this year for one of the world's most disaster-prone nations a couple of months before the COVID-19 pandemic broke in the country. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)
The remains of the Alas-as elementary school are seen in the middle of patterns of erosion on volcanic ash deposits at the Taal volcano almost a year after it erupted, on Sunday, Jan. 10, 2021 in Batangas province, Philippines. A popular tourist destination just south of Manila because of its picturesque setting in the middle of a lake, Taal erupted on Jan. 12, 2020. The eruption displaced thousands of villagers living near the area and delivered an early crisis this year for one of the world's most disaster-prone nations a couple of months before the COVID-19 pandemic broke in the country. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)
Damaged houses lie at Taal volcano almost a year after it erupted on Sunday, Jan. 10, 2021 in Batangas province, Philippines. A popular tourist destination just south of Manila because of its picturesque setting in the middle of a lake, Taal erupted on Jan. 12, 2020. The eruption displaced thousands of villagers living near the area and delivered an early crisis this year for one of the world's most disaster-prone nations a couple of months before the COVID-19 pandemic broke in the country. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)
Patterns of erosion on volcanic ash deposits are seen at the Taal volcano almost a year after it erupted on Sunday, Jan. 10, 2021 in Batangas province, Philippines. A popular tourist destination just south of Manila because of its picturesque setting in the middle of a lake, Taal erupted on Jan. 12, 2020. The eruption displaced thousands of villagers living near the area and delivered an early crisis this year for one of the world's most disaster-prone nations a couple of months before the COVID-19 pandemic broke in the country. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)
A sign stands beside the remains of the Alas-as elementary school at the Taal volcano almost a year after it erupted on Sunday, Jan. 10, 2021 in Batangas province, Philippines. A popular tourist destination just south of Manila because of its picturesque setting in the middle of a lake, Taal erupted on Jan. 12, 2020. The eruption displaced thousands of villagers living near the area and delivered an early crisis this year for one of the world's most disaster-prone nations a couple of months before the COVID-19 pandemic broke in the country. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)
A fisherman walks past volcanic ash deposits at the Taal volcano almost a year after it erupted on Sunday, Jan. 10, 2021 in Batangas province, Philippines. A popular tourist destination just south of Manila because of its picturesque setting in the middle of a lake, Taal erupted on Jan. 12, 2020. The eruption displaced thousands of villagers living near the area and delivered an early crisis this year for one of the world's most disaster-prone nations a couple of months before the COVID-19 pandemic broke in the country. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)

Il 12 gennaio 2020 il Taal, sito a una sessantina di chilometri a sud della capitale delle Filippine Manila, ha iniziato un’eruzione che ha provocato l’immissione di enormi quantità di cenere vulcanica nell’atmosfera. Un anno fa, per precauzione, Il governo aveva ordinato l’evacuazione di tutti gli abitanti in un raggio di 17 chilometri. Ecco come si presenta oggi l’area sotto sorveglianza: desolata e spoglia.

Situato in mezzo a un lago dell’isola di Luzon, Taal è il secondo vulcano più attivo del Paese e uno dei più piccoli del mondo. Ha registrato negli ultimi 450 anni 34 eruzioni. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)

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