
Terremoto in Croazia, devastata la città di Petrinja

Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.4 della scala Richter ha scosso Petrinja, in Croazia. Tanti gli edifici crollati, tra cui un ospedale e un asilo. Morte cinque persone, tra cui una ragazzina di 12 anni.

Soldiers inspect the remains of a building damaged in an earthquake, in Petrinja, Croatia, Tuesday, Dec. 29, 2020. A strong earthquake has hit central Croatia and caused major damage and at least one death in a town southeast of the capital. (AP Photo)
A street is covered by debris from buildings damaged in an earthquake in Petrinja, Croatia, Tuesday, Dec. 29, 2020. A strong earthquake has hit central Croatia and caused major damage and at least one death and 20 injuries in a town southeast of the capital Zagreb. (AP Photo)
A view of remains of a car covered by debris and buildings damaged in an earthquake in Petrinja, Croatia, Tuesday, Dec. 29, 2020.  A strong earthquake has hit central Croatia and caused major damage and at least one death and 20 injuries in a town southeast of the capital Zagreb. (AP Photo)
People walk through the rubble from buildings damaged in an earthquake in Petrinja, Croatia, Tuesday, Dec. 29, 2020. A strong earthquake has hit central Croatia and caused major damage and at least one death and some 20 injuries in the town southeast of the capital Zagreb. (AP Photo)
Croatian Prime minister Andrej Plenkovic, center and President Zoran Milanovic, right, inspect damage caused by an earthquake in Sisak, Croatia, Monday, Dec. 28, 2020. A moderate earthquake has hit central Croatia near its capital of Zagreb, triggering panic and some damage south of the city. There were no immediate reports of injuries. (AP Photo)

Una ragazzina di 12 anni e altre quattro persone sono morte a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 6.4 che ha colpito la Croazia alle 12.19 di stamattina. Epicentro del sisma Petrinja, a circa 40 chilometri da Zagabria. La scossa, preceduta ieri da un’altra di magnitudo 5,2, è stata avvertita distintamente anche in Italia, lungo tutto il versante adriatico. Nel pomeriggio, alle 15.38, un altro terremoto di magnitudo 4.4 si è verificato in provincia di Verona.Ingenti i danni nella cittadina croata, dove sono crollati numerosi edifici, tra i quali un ospedale e un asilo.

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