Il Regno Unito in affanno tra Brexit e Covid

L’uscita della Gran Bretagna dalla Ue è prevista tra dieci giorni, alla fine di dicembre. Febbrili trattative sono ancora in corso per risolvere gli ultimi nodi, specialmente quello sulla pesca nelle acque della Manica. La preoccupazione per le conseguenze commerciali dell’uscita (con o senza accordo) si somma, però, con la nuova variante del Covid che è scoppiata nel Regno Unito proprio in questi giorni, e che ha portato alla chiusura delle frontiere con l’Europa. Risultato: il blocco degli aeroporti e delle stazioni ferroviarie, mentre scoppia il caos nella zona del porto di Dover, con lunghe code di camion fermi, e gli autisti che non possono tornare dalle loro famiglie in Europa. Nei giornali inglesi cresce la preoccupazione per l’impatto sull’economia del Paese.

Trucks are parked in Dover, whilst the Port remains closed, in Kent, England, Tuesday, Dec. 22, 2020. Trucks waiting to get out of Britain backed up for miles and people were left stranded at airports as dozens of countries around the world slapped tough travel restrictions on the U.K. because of a new and seemingly more contagious strain of the coronavirus in England. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth)
Trucks parked on the roadside whilst the Port remains closed, in Dover, southern England, Tuesday, Dec. 22, 2020.  Trucks waiting to get out of Britain backed up for miles and people were left stranded at airports as dozens of countries around the world slapped tough travel restrictions on the U.K. because of a new and seemingly more contagious strain of the coronavirus in England. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth)
The ferry, left, arriving from the Port of Dover in southern England, loaded with trucks, arrives at the port of Calais in northern France, Tuesday Dec. 22, 2020, while the other one is heading toward Dover. France is banning all travel from the U.K. for 48 hours in an attempt to make sure that a new strain of the coronavirus in Britain doesn't reach its shores. (AP Photo/Michel Spingler)
Trucks are parked on the M20 motorway as part of Operation Stack, whilst the Port of Dover remains closed, in southern England, Tuesday, Dec. 22, 2020. Trucks waiting to get out of Britain backed up for miles and people were left stranded as dozens of countries around the world slapped tough travel restrictions on the U.K. because of a new and seemingly more contagious strain of the coronavirus in England.(AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth)
Trucks are parked in a holding area, in this aerial photo taken from video, lined up at former airfield in Manston, England, close to the M20 highway that runs to the port of Dover, Britain's main ferry connection with mainland Europe in northern France, Tuesday Dec. 22, 2020. The goods trucks are waiting to get out of Britain as France barred travel from the UK for 48 hours because of a new and seemingly more contagious strain of the coronavirus in England. (Sky via AP)
Trucks are parked in a holding area, in this aerial photo taken from video, lined up at former airfield in Manston, England, close to the M20 highway that runs to the port of Dover, Britain's main ferry connection with mainland Europe in northern France, Tuesday Dec. 22, 2020. The goods trucks are waiting to get out of Britain as France barred travel from the UK for 48 hours because of a new and seemingly more contagious strain of the coronavirus in England. (Sky via AP)
Trucks are parked on the M20 motorway as part of Operation Stack, whilst the Port of Dover remains closed, in southern England near the Channel Tunnel and Dover, Wednesday, Dec. 23, 2020. Trucks waiting to get out of Britain backed up for miles and people were left stranded as dozens of countries around the world slapped tough travel restrictions on the U.K. because of a new and seemingly more contagious variant of the coronavirus in England. (AP Photo/Frank Augstein)

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