Grandi navi a Venezia

12 May 2019, Italy, Venedig: A cruise ship passes the lagoon city Venice pulled by a tug. The international art exhibition starts on 11.05.2019 and ends on 24.11.2019. Photo by: Felix H'rhager/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images
The MSC Magnifica cruise ship passes by the tourist boat, foreground, bottom right, that was struck by a towering cruiser, foreground right, in Venice, Italy, Sunday, June 2, 2019. The MSC Opera cruise ship has struck a dock and a tourist river boat on a busy canal in Venice. Italian media report that at least five people have been injured in the crash. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)
A tourist river boat, left, is dwarfed by the MSC Magnifica cruise ship passing by, in Venice, Italy, Sunday, June 2, 2019. The towering cruise ship MSC Opera has struck a dock and a tourist river boat on a busy canal in Venice. Italian media report that at least five people have been injured in the crash. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)
The MSC Opera cruise ship is moored at the Venice harbor, Italy, Sunday, June 2, 2019. A towering, out-of-control cruise ship rammed into a dock and a tourist river boat on a busy Venice canal. Italian media reported that at least five people were injured. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)
A boat passes by the MSC Opera cruise ship moored at the Venice harbor, Italy, Sunday, June 2, 2019. A towering, out-of-control cruise ship rammed into a dock and a tourist river boat on a busy Venice canal. Italian media reported that at least five people were injured. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)
A cruise ship passes by St. Mark's Square filled with tourists, in Venice, Italy, Sunday, June 2, 2019. Groups that want to ban cruise ships on Venice's busy canals say a collision that injured four tourists has served as a wake-up call. Opponents say cruise ships are out-of-scale for Venice, cause pollution, threaten the lagoon's ecosystem and dangerous. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)
A cruise ship passes by St. Mark's Square filled with tourists, in Venice, Italy, Sunday, June 2, 2019. Groups that want to ban cruise ships on Venice's busy canals say a collision that injured four tourists has served as a wake-up call. Opponents say cruise ships are out-of-scale for Venice, cause pollution, threaten the lagoon's ecosystem and dangerous. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)
A cruise ship passes by St. Mark's Square in Venice, Italy, Sunday, June 2, 2019. Groups that want to ban cruise ships on Venice's busy canals say a collision that injured four tourists has served as a wake-up call. Opponents say cruise ships are out-of-scale for Venice, cause pollution, threaten the lagoon's ecosystem and dangerous. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)
A cruise ship passes by St. Mark's Square filled with tourists, in Venice, Italy, Sunday, June 2, 2019. Groups that want to ban cruise ships on Venice's busy canals say a collision that injured four tourists has served as a wake-up call. Opponents say cruise ships are out-of-scale for Venice, cause pollution, threaten the lagoon's ecosystem and dangerous. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)

Nella giornata della festa della Repubblica si è verificata una collisione tra la nave da crociera Msc Opera e un vaporetto turistico (con 110 passeggeri a bordo) nel canale della Giudecca. Foto AP

A Venezia, da tempo i comitati “no grandi navi” chiedono, invano,di non sacrificare l’unicità di una città come Venezia a dannose strategie commerciali. Secondo tali reti di cittadinanza attiva e responsabile, «la laguna di Venezia è un fragile ambiente artificiale che gli interventi di governo della Serenissima gestendo i fenomeni naturali (destino di ogni laguna, infatti, è interrarsi o divenire mare) hanno saputo mantenere per un millennio in equilibrio, unica fragile garanzia della sopravvivenza della città. Se Venezia è ancora oggi, in parte, protetta dalla sua Laguna lo si deve alle sagge politiche di conservazione della Serenissima, che sempre ha messo al primo posto la sopravvivenza della Laguna».

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