Hong Kong, rinvio della legge sull’estradizione

A protester gestures after clashes with riot police during a massive demonstration outside the Legislative Council in Hong Kong, Wednesday, June 12, 2019. Hong Kong police fired tear gas and rubber bullets at protesters who had massed outside government headquarters Wednesday in opposition to a proposed extradition bill that has become a lightning rod for concerns over greater Chinese control and erosion of civil liberties in the territory. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung)
Press photographers wearing helmets for protection in the clashes seen in recent protests, photograph a press conference by Commissioner of Police Stephen Lo in Hong Kong, Thursday, June 13, 2019. (AP Photo/Vincent Yu)
Hong Kong's Chief Executive Carrie Lam arrives holds a press conference in Hong Kong on Saturday, June 15, 2019. Lam said she will suspend a proposed extradition bill indefinitely in response to widespread public unhappiness over the measure, which would enable authorities to send some suspects to stand trial in mainland courts. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung)
Hong Kong's Chief Executive Carrie Lam arrives at a press conference in Hong Kong Saturday, June 15, 2019. Lam said she will suspend a proposed extradition bill indefinitely in response to widespread public unhappiness over the measure, which would enable authorities to send some suspects to stand trial in mainland courts. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung)

La governatrice Carrie Lam ha annunciato il rinvio (a tempo indeterminato) dell’approvazione della legge sull’estradizione dopo le violente manifestazioni dei giorni scorsi che hanno generato scontri fra la polizia e i giovani manifestanti. «Questa legge sull’estradizione è giusta e giustificata. Ma abbiamo ascoltato la gente e la società, abbiamo introdotto numerosi emendamenti durante il dibattito, abbiamo fatto un grande sforzo. Comunque, la legge ha creato grandi divisioni nella nostra società, per colpa di malintesi». Il popolo però teme un pericoloso riavvicinamento al governo cinese, politicizzato e brutale, da parte di Kong Kong, dove invece vigono tutele legali. (foto Ap)

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