Sudafrica, 30 anni di Splashy Fen Festival

epa07517001 A fire poi artist blows flames from his mouth by lighting paraffin during the annual Splashy Fen music festival, Underberg, South Africa, 19 April 2019 (issued 20 April 2019). The five day long festival is the oldest in the country and is celebrating its 30 year. The festival has four stages with various music styles, morning yoga sessions, artworks, trail running, holistic lifestyle events, stalls etc.  EPA/KIM LUDBROOK
epa07517004 Artists perform at the 'Tree house Stage' during the annual Splashy Fen music festival, Underberg, South Africa, 19 April 2019 (issued 20 April 2019). The five day long festival is the oldest in the country and is celebrating its 30 year. The festival has four stages with various music styles, morning yoga sessions, artworks, trail running, holistic lifestyle events, stalls etc.  EPA/KIM LUDBROOK
epa07514451 Festival goers during the annual Splashy Fen music festival in Underberg, South Africa, 18 April 2019. The five day long festival is the oldest in the country and is celebrating its 30 year. The festival has four stages with various music styles, morning yoga sessions, artworks, trail running, holistic lifestyle events, stalls etc.  EPA/KIM LUDBROOK
epa07517005 Festival goers take part in a mass yoga class during the annual Splashy Fen music festival, Underberg, South Africa, 19 April 2019 (issued 20 April 2019). The five day long festival is the oldest in the country and is celebrating its 30 year. The festival has four stages with various music styles, morning yoga sessions, artworks, trail running, holistic lifestyle events, stalls etc.  EPA/KIM LUDBROOK
epa07517007 Festival goers in the consciousness area during the annual Splashy Fen music festival, Underberg, South Africa, 19 April 2019 (issued 20 April 2019). The five day long festival is the oldest in the country and is celebrating its 30 year. The festival has four stages with various music styles, morning yoga sessions, artworks, trail running, holistic lifestyle events, stalls etc.  EPA/KIM LUDBROOK
epa07517008 A poi artist teachers children how to play with poi during the annual Splashy Fen music festival, Underberg, South Africa, 19 April 2019 (issued 20 April 2019). The five day long festival is the oldest in the country and is celebrating its 30 year. The festival has four stages with various music styles, morning yoga sessions, artworks, trail running, holistic lifestyle events, stalls etc.  EPA/KIM LUDBROOK
epa07514447 Festival goers during the annual Splashy Fen music festival in Underberg, South Africa, 18 April 2019. The five day long festival is the oldest in the country and is celebrating its 30 year. The festival has four stages with various music styles, morning yoga sessions, artworks, trail running, holistic lifestyle events, stalls etc.  EPA/KIM LUDBROOK

Dalla sua inaugurazione nel 1990, lo Splashy Fen Music Festival  si è affermato come uno dei più importanti festival musicali in Sudafrica e oggi riunisce migliaia di persone a Underberg, nella provincia di KwaZulu-Natal.

L’evento, ribattezzato “il Festival musicale più amichevole del Sudafrica”, celebra la vita, l’arte, la musica il divertimento nella cornice naturale dei monti The Drakensberg, sito Unesco Patrimonio dell’Umanità. Il Festival, il cui nome trae origine dalla tenuta in cui si svolge, è l’ambientazione ideale per organizzare un evento musicale grazie alla presenza di magnifici anfiteatri naturali, alla perfetta acustica, alla vista mozzafiato offerta dal paesaggio montano circostante e ai grandi campi pianeggianti ideali per una notte in tenda sotto le stelle. (foto Ansa)

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