La piramide del Louvre compie 30 anni

French street artist JR poses in the courtyard of the Louvre Museum near the glass pyramid designed by architect Leoh Ming Pei, in Paris, Wednesday, March 27, 2019 as the Louvre Museum celebrates the 30th anniversary of its glass pyramid. JR project is a giant collage of the pyramid to bring it out of the ground by revealing the foundations of the Napoleon courtyard where it is erected. (AP Photo/Francois Mori)
French street artist JR volunteers work in the courtyard of the Louvre Museum near the glass pyramid designed by architect Leoh Ming Pei, in Paris, Wednesday, March 27, 2019 as the Louvre Museum celebrates the 30th anniversary of its glass pyramid. JR project is a giant collage of the pyramid to bring it out of the ground by revealing the foundations of the Napoleon courtyard where it is erected. (AP Photo/Francois Mori)
French street artist JR walks in the courtyard of the Louvre Museum near the glass pyramid designed by architect Leoh Ming Pei, in Paris, Wednesday, March 27, 2019 as the Louvre Museum celebrates the 30th anniversary of its glass pyramid. JR project is a giant collage of the pyramid to bring it out of the ground by revealing the foundations of the Napoleon courtyard where it is erected. (AP Photo/Francois Mori)
Visitors are silhouetted front a creation by French street artist JR in the courtyard of the Louvre Museum near the glass pyramid designed by architect Leoh Ming Pei, in Paris, Wednesday, March 27, 2019 as the Louvre Museum celebrates the 30th anniversary of its glass pyramid. JR project is a giant collage of the pyramid to bring it out of the ground by revealing the foundations of the Napoleon courtyard where it is erected. (AP Photo/Francois Mori)
The creation fo French street artist JR is pictured in the courtyard of the Louvre Museum near the glass pyramid designed by Leoh Ming Pei, in Paris, Friday, March 29, 2019 as the Louvre Museum celebrates the 30th anniversary of its glass pyramid. JR project is a giant collage of the pyramid to bring it out of the ground by revealing the foundations of the Napoleon courtyard where it is erected. (AP Photo/Francois Mori)
The creation fo French street artist JR is pictured in the courtyard of the Louvre Museum near the glass pyramid designed by Leoh Ming Pei, in Paris, Friday, March 29, 2019 as the Louvre Museum celebrates the 30th anniversary of its glass pyramid. JR project is a giant collage of the pyramid to bring it out of the ground by revealing the foundations of the Napoleon courtyard where it is erected. (AP Photo/Francois Mori)

Una gigantesca illusione ottica è l’installazione con cui l’artista di strada JR celebra i primi 30 anni della Piramide nella piazza antistante il Museo del Louvre a Parigi. Per tre giorni, l’artista e 400 volontari hanno attaccato lunghissime strisce sulla pavimentazione del cortile Napoleone, che solo alla fine hanno svelato un disegno. L’immagine creata si può osservare dal terzo piano del museo e appare una voragine di rocce da cui la Piramide sembra emergere. Se non siete a Parigi questo weekend, ammirate le foto sul profilo Facebook dell’artista.

Uno dei maggiori simboli di Parigi non aveva trovato inizialmente, nel 1989, anno della sua inaugurazione, il favore del popolo parigino, dato che il progetto dell’architetto Ieoh Ming Pei entrava in forte contrasto con l’architettura del 1700 del palazzo. Oggi non si riuscirebbe a immaginare la capitale parigina senza la sua Piramide. (foto Ap/Ansa)

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