Francesco visiterà il Mozambico devastato dal ciclone

A family is seen outside their submerged huts caused by   Cyclone Idai  near Nhamatanda  about  130 kilometres from Beira, in  Mozambique,Tuesday, March, 26, 2019.The United Nations is making an  emmergency appeal for $282 million  for the next  three months  to  help Mozambique start recovering  from the devastation of Cyclone Idau .(AP Photo/Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi)
Children play within the grounds of a compound  set up for displaced people suspected to have cholera in  Beira,  Mozambique,Tuesday, March, 26, 2019.The United Nations is making an  emmergency appeal for $282 million  for the next  three months  to  help Mozambique start recovering  from the devastation of Cyclone Idau .(AP Photo/Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi)
In this photo taken Tuesday, March 26, 2019 an elderly man lies on the ground after his bag of food was snatched from him in a scramble for bags of rice delivered by the South African Airforce helicopter at Nyamatande Village, Mozambique, following the devastating Tropical Cyclone Idai. A second week has begun with efforts to find and help some tens of thousands of people in devastated parts of southern Africa, with some hundreds dead and an unknown number of people still missing. (AP Photo/Phill Magakoe)
Locals from Gwaragwara stand the aid destribution point following the devastating Tropical Cyclone Idai in Beira, Mozambique, Tuesday, March 26, 2019. A second week has begun with efforts to find and help some tens of thousands of people in devastated parts of southern Africa, with some hundreds dead and an unknown number of people still missing. (AP Photo/Phill Magakoe)

È una notizia dell’ultim’ora quella secondo cui il papa nel suo viaggio in Africa il prossimo settembre inizierà la sua visita dal Paese devastato dal ciclone Idai, che a detta delle istituzioni mozambicane, ha fatto 468 morti accertati con oltre 1,7 milioni di persone colpite. Francesco, in Africa dal 4 al 10 settembre, toccherà le città di Maputo in Mozambico, Antananarivo in Madagascar e Port Louis alle Mauritius. Intanto le Nazioni unite hanno lanciato un appello per la raccolta di 282 milioni di dollari destinati alla sicurezza alimentare, alla salute, ai servizi igienici, istruzione e rifugi, mentre l’Oms per prevenire un’epidemia di colera ha annunciato l’invio di 900 mila vaccini. (foto Ap)

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