Parte la demolizione del ponte Morandi

Cranes lower a section of the Morandi bridge in Genoa, Italy, Saturday, Feb. 9, 2019. Workers taking apart the remains of a bridge which collapsed in Aug. 2018 are set to remove a 40 meter beam, seen in between the red machinery. A large section of the bridge collapsed over an industrial area in the Italian city of Genova last summer during a sudden and violent storm, leaving vehicles crushed in rubble below and killing 43 people. (AP Photo/Antonio Calanni)
People look at cranes as they lower a section of the Morandi bridge in Genoa, Italy, Saturday, Feb. 9, 2019. Workers taking apart the remains of a bridge which collapsed in Aug. 2018 are set to remove a 40 meter beam, seen in between the red machinery. A large section of the bridge collapsed over an industrial area in the Italian city of Genova last summer during a sudden and violent storm, leaving vehicles crushed in rubble below and killing 43 people. (AP Photo/Antonio Calanni)
Cranes lower a section of the Morandi bridge in Genoa, Italy, Saturday, Feb. 9, 2019. Workers taking apart the remains of a bridge which collapsed in Aug. 2018 are set to remove a 40 meter beam, seen in between the red machinery. A large section of the bridge collapsed over an industrial area in the Italian city of Genova last summer during a sudden and violent storm, leaving vehicles crushed in rubble below and killing 43 people. (AP Photo/Antonio Calanni)
Il presidente del Consiglio Giuseppe Conte al cantiere di smontaggio del moncone ovest di Ponte Morandi, Genova 8 febbraio 2019. ANSA/FILIPPO ATTILI UFFICIO STAMPA PALAZZO CHIGI

Le gru sono al lavoro per demolire la prima sezione del ponte Morandi, il moncone ovest, i primi 40 metri da smontare dopo 6 mesi dal crollo. Ieri il premier Conte ha inaugurato i lavori: «Un momento di riscatto per l’Italia». Renzo Piano sarà il supervisore dell’intero progetto realizzato dalla ditta Salini-Impregilo. Il ponte dovrà essere percorribile ad aprile 2020, lo ha annunciato il sindaco di Genova e commissario per la ricostruzione del viadotto Polcevera, Marco Bucci. (foto Ansa/Ap)

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