Bolivia: Jeanine Anez annuncia l’espulsione dei diplomatici venezuelani

L’esecutivo guidato da Jeanine Ane, capo del governo ad interim della Bolivia, ha disposto la rottura delle relazioni diplomatiche con il Venezuela

epa08000414 El Alto citizens along with supporters of former President Evo Morales march while Bolivian military and police guard the surroundings of Plaza Murillo, in La Paz, Bolivia 15 November 2019. Bolivia is plunged into a crisis after the elections of October 20, with at first opposition protests against Evo Morales over allegations of fraud to achieve his fourth consecutive term, and now after his resignation Morales supporters protesting against the interim government of Jeanine Ãñez.  EPA/Martín Alipaz
epa08000419 El Alto citizens along with supporters of former President Evo Morales march while Bolivian military and police guard the surroundings of Plaza Murillo, in La Paz, Bolivia 15 November 2019. Bolivia is plunged into a crisis after the elections of October 20, with at first opposition protests against Evo Morales over allegations of fraud to achieve his fourth consecutive term, and now after his resignation Morales supporters protesting against the interim government of Jeanine Ãñez.  EPA/Martín Alipaz
epa08000543 A protester is detained by the Bolivian police during a protest against the country's provisional Government, in downtown La Paz, Bolivia, 15 November 2019. Bolivia is plunged into a crisis after the elections of October 20, with at first opposition protests against Evo Morales over allegations of fraud to achieve his fourth consecutive term, and now after his resignation Morales supporters protesting against the interim government of Jeanine Ãñez.  EPA/Rodrigo Sura
epa08000417 Bolivian military guard around the vicinity of Plaza Murillo while thousands of citizens of El Alto along with supporters of former President Evo Morales march in La Paz, Bolivia 15 November 2019. Bolivia is plunged into a crisis after the elections of October 20, with at first opposition protests against Evo Morales over allegations of fraud to achieve his fourth consecutive term, and now after his resignation Morales supporters protesting against the interim government of Jeanine Ãñez.  EPA/Martín Alipaz
epa08000544 A protester is detained by the Bolivian police during a protest against the country's provisional Government, in downtown La Paz, Bolivia, 15 November 2019. Bolivia is plunged into a crisis after the elections of October 20, with at first opposition protests against Evo Morales over allegations of fraud to achieve his fourth consecutive term, and now after his resignation Morales supporters protesting against the interim government of Jeanine Ãñez.  EPA/Rodrigo Sura
epa07999518 Interim President of Bolivia, Jeanine Anez, speaks at a press conference at Government Palace in La Paz, Bolivia, 15 November 2019. Anez announced that this day she hopes to start the process for new elections after the failed elections that led to the resignation of Evo Morales.  EPA/RODRIGO SURA
epa07999521 Interim President of Bolivia, Jeanine Anez (C) speaks along with Ministers of Economy, Jose Luis Parada (L) and Minister of Communication, Roxana Lizarraga (R) at a press conference at Government Palace in La Paz, Bolivia, 15 November 2019. Anez announced that this day she hopes to start the process for new elections after the failed elections that led to the resignation of Evo Morales.  EPA/RODRIGO SURA

L’esecutivo guidato da Jeanine Ane, capo del governo ad interim della Bolivia, ha disposto la rottura delle relazioni diplomatiche con il Venezuela e il governo di Nicolas Maduro e di conseguenza ha annunciato la relativa espulsione dal Paese di tutti i diplomatici della repubblica del Venezuela. Questo perché durante gli scontri in atto nel Paese, ci sarebbero stati «cittadini venezuelani coinvolti in azioni aggressive la scorsa settimana e trovati in possesso di pistole, uniformi e altri strumenti con cui hanno partecipato alle proteste a sostegno dell’ex presidente Evo Morales». (foto Ansa)

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