Elezioni in Congo, spoglio in corso

Congolese voters line up to vote in Kinshasa Sunday Dec. 30, 2018. Forty million voters are registered for a presidential race plagued by years of delay and persistent rumors of lack of preparation. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)
Congolese voters wake past police as they reach the St. Raphael school in the Limete district of Kinshasa Sunday Dec. 30, 2018 to cast their ballot. Forty million voters are registered for a presidential race plagued by years of delay and persistent rumors of lack of preparation. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)
Election officials tape the voter's registrations list to the wall of the Les Anges primary school in Kinshasa, Congo, as voters start to check their names, Sunday Dec. 30, 2018. The voting process was delayed when angry voters burned six voting machines and ballots mid-day, angered by the fact that the registrations lists had not arrived. Replacement machines had to be brought in, and voting started at nightfall, 12 hours late. Forty million voters are registered for a presidential race plagued by years of delay and persistent rumors of lack of preparation. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)
Congolese independent electoral commission (CENI) officials count the presidential ballots from over 900 polling stations at a local results compilation center in Kinshasa, Congo, Friday Jan. 4, 2019. CENI said Thursday the results from 20% of the polling stations have been collected. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)
Congolese political party observers check independent electoral commission (CENI) officials tally the presidential ballots from over 900 polling stations at a local results compilation center in Kinshasa, Congo, Friday Jan. 4, 2019. CENI said Thursday the results from 20% of the polling stations have been collected. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)
Envelopes containing presidential ballots wait to be counted by Congolese independent electoral commission (CENI) officials at a local results compilation center in Kinshasa, Congo, Friday Jan. 4, 2019. CENI said Thursday the results from 20% of the polling stations have been collected. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

Fino al 6 gennaio in Congo non sarà possibile accedere a Internet, agli sms e ai social oltre che alla Radio France Internationale, seguita da quasi metà della popolazione, per evitare che ci possano essere disordini derivati da false anticipazioni degli esiti delle elezioni tenutesi domenica scorsa. Non si votava in Congo da ben 17 anni, da quando è in carica Joseph Kabila, una carica decaduta due anni fa ma che è stata rinviata fino al 30 dicembre. (foto Ap)

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