Un giorno nella storia del mondo

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi visiting the workers in their cottages at Spring Vale, England on Sept. 26, 1931, during his inspection of the Lancashire Cotton industry's labour conditions.  (AP Photo/Staff/Puttnam)
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi leaving after he had toured Greenfield Mill near Darwen, England on Sept. 26, 1931, during his inspection of the Lancashire Cotton industry's labour conditions. (AP Photo/Staff/Puttnam)
New Cunard liner, the Queen Mary, slides down the slipway during her launch at the John Brown Shipyard, Clydebank, Scotland, Sept. 26, 1934. The liner was launched by Her Majesty Queen Mary and was previously known just as Cunarder 534. (AP Photo/Sid Beadel)
President Franklin D. Roosevelt is shown as he arrived in Washington, Sept. 26, 1934 from a stay in Hyde Park, N.Y.  He faces many problems, including that of finding a successor to Hugh S. Johnson whose resignation as NRA administrator was accepted the night before the executive reached Washington. (AP Photo)
A U.S. Military Police soldier frisks a korean woman as he searches for hidden weapons, Sept. 26, 1950 near the Naktong river,  Taegu, South Korea. (AP Photo)   ------    Ein amerikanischer Militaerpolizist durchsucht am 26. September 1950 eine Koreanerin nach versteckten Waffen in der Naehe des Naktong Flusses, nachdem die 24. US Division das Westufer bei Taegu erreicht hat. (AP Photo)
The “king of all gypsies” Peter Vados, who died in St. Poelten, Lower Austria, was buried there in presence of 20,000 followers, Sept. 26, 1936. Gypsy walk in procession. (AP Photo)
General mobilization resulted in Czech troops marching through Prague to entrain for frontier posts. A soldier at the Dennis Station in Prague, Czechoslovakia, on Sept. 26, 1938, waiting to entrain for the frontier forces a cheerful smile as he says goodbye to the son he holds in his arms. (AP Photo)
Live bombs of both fire and demolition types exploded by remote control, are going off in a special Amphitheater in a spectacular demonstration which is part of the ten-day course at the War Department Civilian Protection School at the University of Washington, in Seattle, Sept. 26, 1942. Students in the foreground watching. The school sponsored by the U.S. Office of Civilian Defense, the U.S. Army and Washington State Defense Council.  (AP Photo)
Britain's Queen Mary paid a visit to the Women's Royal Naval Service and Officer Training Corps., at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, London, on Sept. 26, 1945, and is seen seated, as she posed for her picture with WREN officers.  (AP Photo)
President Paul Von Hindenburg, centre, arriving at the German Army manoeuvres near Goerlitz, on Sept. 26, 1928. (AP Photo)

Cosa è accaduto il 26 settembre di diversi anni della storia moderna, tra eventi e scene di vita quotidiana, nello straordinario archivio fotografico dell’Ap. Quasi una biografia globale.

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