Sacche di carestia in Yemen

In this Saturday, Sept. 22, 2018 photo, Shouib Sakaf the father of 3-year-old Zaifa who died of severe acute malnutrition, stands in front of his hut in Khayran al-Maharq, Hajjah, Yemen. On a recent day, Sakaf buried his 3-year-old daughter, Zaifa, the fifth child known to have died in the district this year from malnutrition-related illness. The United Nations and individual donors are rushing food to a desperate corner of northern Yemen where starving villagers were found to be living off leaves. (AP Photo/Hammadi Issa)
In this Sept. 22, 2018 photo, Amna Ali, mother of 3-year-old Zaifa Shouib, who was the fifth child known to have died in the district this year of malnutrition-related illness, stands in front of her hut holding a baby in Khayran al-Maharq, Hajjah, Yemen. At a local medical facility which did not have enough supplies, Zaifa's father was told she had to be taken to a hospital further away to treat kidney complications. He had no way to pay for transportation there. (AP Photo/Hammadi Issa)
In this Sept. 22, 2018 photo, Amna Ali, right, mother of 3-year-old Zaifa Shouib, who was the fifth child known to have died in the district this year of malnutrition-related illness, sits in her hut holding a baby in Khayran al-Maharq, Hajjah, Yemen. At a local medical facility which did not have enough supplies, Zaifa's father was told she had to be taken to a hospital further away to treat kidney complications. He had no way to pay for transportation there. (AP Photo/Hammadi Issa)
In this Sept. 22, 2018 photo, Shouib Sakaf the father of 3-year-old Zaifa Shouib who died of severe acute malnutrition, prays in front of her grave in Khayran al-Maharq, Hajjah, Yemen. On a recent day, Sakaf buried Zaifa, the fifth child known to have died in the district this year from malnutrition-related illness. The United Nations and individual donors are rushing food to the desperate corner of northern Yemen where starving villagers were found to be living off leaves. (AP Photo/Hammadi Issa)
In this Sept. 23, 2018 photo, men deliver aid donations from donors, in Aslam, Hajjah, Yemen. The United Nations and independent donors are rushing food to this desperate corner of northern Yemen where starving villagers were found to be living off leaves. But the hunger crisis continues to worsen. (AP Photo/Hammadi Issa)
In this Sept. 23, 2018 photo, men deliver aid donations from donors, in Aslam, Hajjah, Yemen. The United Nations and independent donors are rushing food to this desperate corner of northern Yemen where starving villagers were found to be living off leaves. But the hunger crisis continues to worsen. (AP Photo/Hammadi Issa)
In this Sept. 23, 2018 photo, men deliver aid donations from donors, in Aslam, Hajjah, Yemen. The United Nations and independent donors are rushing food to this desperate corner of northern Yemen where starving villagers were found to be living off leaves. But the hunger crisis continues to worsen. (AP Photo/Hammadi Issa)

Alcuni volontari consegnano aiuti umanitari del Programma alimentare mondiale (Wfp) ad Aslam, Hajjah, in Yemen. Le Nazioni unite e donatori privati stanno mandando cibo in un angolo disperato dello Yemen settentrionale, dove si è scoperto che gli abitanti dei villaggi affamati vivevano di foglie. Ma la crisi della fame continua a peggiorare, a causa della guerra civile condotta tra ribelli noti come houti e una coalizione guidata dall’Arabia Saudita. (Foto Ap)

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