Allarme alle Hawaii per il vulcano Kalauea

In this photo taken from video an unidentified man gets close to a lava flow advancing down a road in the Leilani Estates subdivision near Pahoa on the island of Hawaii Monday, May 7, 2018. Kilauea volcano has destroyed more than two dozen homes since it began spewing lava hundreds of feet into the air last week, and residents who evacuated don't know how long they might be displaced. The decimated homes were in the Leilani Estates subdivision, where molten rock, toxic gas and steam have been bursting through openings in the ground created by the volcano. (Scott Wiggers/Apau Hawaii Tours via AP)
In this photo taken from video Scott Wiggers, of Apau Hawaii Tours, feels warmth from a fissure in a road in the Leilani Estates subdivision near Pahoa on the island of Hawaii Monday, May 7, 2018. Kilauea volcano has destroyed more than two dozen homes since it began spewing lava hundreds of feet into the air last week, and residents who evacuated don't know how long they might be displaced. The decimated homes were in the Leilani Estates subdivision, where molten rock, toxic gas and steam have been bursting through openings in the ground created by the volcano. (Scott Wiggers/Apau Hawaii Tours via AP)
This Monday, May 7, 2018 photo from the U.S. Geological Survey shows gas and steam rising from multiple fissures on Moku Street in the Leilani Estates Subdivision near Pahoa on the island of Hawaii. Kilauea volcano has destroyed more than two dozen homes since it began spewing lava hundreds of feet into the air last week, and residents who evacuated don't know how long they might be displaced. The decimated homes were in the Leilani Estates subdivision, where molten rock, toxic gas and steam have been bursting through openings in the ground created by the volcano. (U.S. Geological Survey via AP)
Volunteers and evacuees hold in hands while praying before serving dinner at a makeshift donation center Tuesday, May 8, 2018, in Pahoa, Hawaii. Hawaii County officials have issued a cellphone alert warning residents of a subdivision to immediately evacuate after two new lava fissures opened in a neighboring community. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)
Steam and gas rise from Kilauea's summit crater in Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii, Wednesday, May 9, 2018. Geologists warned Wednesday that Hawaii's Kilauea volcano could erupt explosively and send boulders, rocks and ash into the air around its summit in the coming weeks. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)
Visitors take pictures as Kilauea's summit crater glows red in Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii. Wednesday, May 9, 2018. Geologists warned Wednesday that Hawaii's Kilauea volcano could erupt explosively and send boulders, rocks and ash into the air around its summit in the coming weeks. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)
Visitors take pictures as Kilauea's summit crater glows red in Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii, Wednesday, May 9, 2018. Geologists warned Wednesday that Hawaii's Kilauea volcano could erupt explosively and send boulders, rocks and ash into the air around its summit in the coming weeks. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

Secondo le autorità serviranno oltre 2,9 milioni di dollari per proteggere i residenti per i prossimi 30 giorni, mentre continuano le scosse sismiche che provocheranno nel terreno altre fessure. Le eruzioni del vulcano Kalauea stanno devastando l’isola tanto da far chiedere al presidente Trump da parte del governatore della Hawaii,  David Ige, lo stato di emergenza. Oltretutto è probabile nelle prossime settimane un’eruzione esplosiva i cui frammenti potrebbero raggiungere distanze di 3 km, dopo che la lava si è fatta strada nelle zone residenziali. (foto Ap)

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