A Milano il Fuorisalone 2018

A visitor interacts with an artwork at the 'Fuori Salone' in Milan, Italy, 16 April 2018. The fair, considered the largest of its kind in the world, presents the latest trends and designs on furniture, lighting and home accessories. ANSA/DANIEL DAL ZENNARO
An artwork at the 'Fuori Salone' in Milan, Italy, 16 April 2018. The fair, considered the largest of its kind in the world, presents the latest trends and designs on furniture, lighting and home accessories. ANSA/DANIEL DAL ZENNARO
An artwork at the 'Fuori Salone' in Milan, Italy, 16 April 2018. The fair, considered the largest of its kind in the world, presents the latest trends and designs on furniture, lighting and home accessories. ANSA/DANIEL DAL ZENNARO
An artwork at the 'Fuori Salone' in Milan, Italy, 16 April 2018. The fair, considered the largest of its kind in the world, presents the latest trends and designs on furniture, lighting and home accessories. ANSA/DANIEL DAL ZENNARO
A visitor interacts with an artwork at the 'Fuori Salone' in Milan, Italy, 16 April 2018. The fair, considered the largest of its kind in the world, presents the latest trends and designs on furniture, lighting and home accessories. ANSA/DANIEL DAL ZENNARO
A visitor interacts with an artwork at the 'Fuori Salone' in Milan, Italy, 16 April 2018. The fair, considered the largest of its kind in the world, presents the latest trends and designs on furniture, lighting and home accessories. ANSA/DANIEL DAL ZENNARO
Two Chinese visitors interact with an artwork at the 'Fuori Salone' in Milan, Italy, 16 April 2018. The fair, considered the largest of its kind in the world, presents the latest trends and designs on furniture, lighting and home accessories. ANSA/DANIEL DAL ZENNARO
A visitor interacts with an artwork at the 'Fuori Salone' in Milan, Italy, 16 April 2018. The fair, considered the largest of its kind in the world, presents the latest trends and designs on furniture, lighting and home accessories. ANSA/DANIEL DAL ZENNARO

Dal 17 al 22 aprile Milano raccoglierà oltre mille eventi che animeranno la città rendendola vera capitale del design. Filo conduttore sarà la sostenibilità ambientale, che legherà le installazioni e le mostre di architetti e designer di tutto il mondo. Trovate qui una guida di tutti gli eventi e la mappa per raggiungerli. (foto Ansa)

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