Sud Sudan tra guerra e fame

In this photo taken Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2018, men return from the bush after hunting gazelle to sell at the market in Akobo town, one of the last rebel-held strongholds in South Sudan. South Sudan's opposition is threatening to resort to
In this photo taken Saturday, Jan. 20, 2018, people wait for food handouts at an Oxfam distribution taking place outside of Akobo town, one of the last rebel-held strongholds in South Sudan. South Sudan's opposition is threatening to resort to
In this photo taken Friday, Jan. 19, 2018, rebel fighters walk through town after receiving food in Akobo, near the Ethiopian border, in South Sudan. United Nations peacekeepers are returning to the only U.N. base in South Sudan
In this photo taken Friday, Jan. 19, 2018, a rebel fighter walks near their military base in Akobo, near the Ethiopian border, in South Sudan. United Nations peacekeepers are returning to the only U.N. base in South Sudan
In this photo taken Friday, Jan. 19, 2018, recently displaced families who arrived five days before claiming that government troops attacked their towns, shelter in a run-down school in Akobo, near the Ethiopian border, in South Sudan. United Nations peacekeepers are returning to the only U.N. base in South Sudan
In this photo taken Thursday, Jan. 18, 2018, a boy comes out of the water after going for a swim in the Nile in Akobo town, one of the last rebel-held strongholds in South Sudan. Child abductions have risen during South Sudan's civil war as desperate people try to make a living, and one child, no matter the age, is said to sell for 20 cows, worth about $7,000. (AP Photo/Sam Mednick)
A young child soldier sits on the ground at a release ceremony, where he and others laid down their weapons and traded in their uniforms to return to
Former child soldiers stand in line waiting to be registered with UNICEF to receive a release package, in Yambio, South Sudan Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2018. More than 300 child soldiers were released Wednesday by armed groups in South Sudan, the second-largest such release since civil war began five years ago. (AP Photo/Sam Mednick)

La giornata di digiuno e preghiera proposta da papa Francesco per la pace in Congo e Sud Sudan non deve limitarsi ad  un momento particolare. Resta il grande lavoro della coscienza politica per far far aprire gli occhi sulle situazioni scandalose di responsabilità internazionali nei confronti di popolazioni esposte a gravi violazioni dei diritti umani. Secondo l’ultimo allarme lanciato da tre agenzie delle Nazioni Unite – Fao, Unicef e Programma alimentare mondiale – oltre sette milioni di persone in Sud Sudan, circa due terzi della popolazione,sono a rischio fame

Sul mensile dei padri comboniani Nigrizia una cronistoria per capire la storia recente di questo Paese.

foto Ap


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