Never again, stop alle armi negli Usa

Student survivors from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, where 17 students and faculty were killed in a mass shooting on Wednesday, hug as they arrive to a crowd of supporters and media at Leon High School in Tallahassee, Fla., Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2018. The students arrived in the state's capital to talk to legislators and rally for gun control reform. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
Diego Pfeiffer, a student survivor from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, where 17 students and faculty were killed in a mass shooting on Wednesday, speaks to a crowd of supporters and media, while fellow survivors Sophie Whitney, left, and Sarah Chadwick embrace after they arrived at Leon High School, in Tallahassee, Fla., Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2018. The students arrived in the state's capital to talk to legislators and rally for gun control reform. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
Tanzil Philip, 16, a student survivor from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, where 17 students and faculty were killed in a mass shooting on Wednesday, speaks to a crowd of supporters and media as they arrive at Leon High School, in Tallahassee, Fla., Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2018. The students arrived in the state's capital to talk to legislators and rally for gun control reform. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School survivors arrive at Leon High School in Tallahassee, Fla., Tuesday, Feb 20, 2018. Students who survived the Florida school shooting that killed more than a dozen students and faculty and injured others have created the Never Again movement to channel their anger and frustration. The students are in town to lobby the Florida legislature after the shooting by a former student that left 17 dead at their school. (AP Photo/Mark Wallheiser)
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School survivors Tanzil Philip, left, is comforted by fellow student Diego Pfeiffer as Philip speaks to Leon High School students after arriving in Tallahassee, Fla., Tuesday, Feb 20, 2018. The students from Douglas High School are in town to lobby the Florida legislature after a shooting at their school by a former student that left more than a dozen students and faculty dead and others injured last week. (AP Photo/Mark Wallheiser)
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School survivor Ryan Deitsch arrives with fellow students at Leon High School in Tallahassee, Fla., Feb 20, 2018. Students who survived the Florida school shooting that killed more than a dozen students and faculty and injured others have created the Never Again movement to channel their anger and frustration. The students are in town to lobby the Florida legislature after the shooting by a former student that left 17 dead at their school. (AP Photo/Mark Wallheiser)

Forse siamo alla svolta decisiva. È partita la protesta dai ragazzi del liceo della Florida, teatro dell’ennesima follia incentivata dalla diffusione incontrollata di armi negli Usa. Appuntamento il 24 marzo a Washington per una grande manifestazione nazionale.

Vediamo cosa si staranno inventando i lobbisti della National Rifle association che si muove molto bene e trasversalmente ricevendo notevoli finanziamenti. Non solo da industrie nordamericane.

Qui sotto un video delle proteste da Euronews

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