Spratly, isole contese tra Cina, Taiwan, Vietnam, Filippine e Malesia

Protesters, wearing boat-shaped paper hats, shout slogans as they march for rally at the Chinese Consulate to protest China's alleged continued militarization of the disputed islands in the South China Sea known as Spratlys Saturday, Feb. 10, 2018 in the financial district of Makati city east of Manila, Philippines. The protesters also denounced President Rodrigo Duterte's inaction over China's continued build up of military facilities and structures at the disputed islands. (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)
Protesters, wearing boat-shaped paper hats, shout slogans during a rally at the Chinese Consulate to protest China's alleged continued militarization of the disputed islands in the South China Sea known as Spratlys Saturday, Feb. 10, 2018 in the financial district of Makati city east of Manila, Philippines. The protesters also denounced President Rodrigo Duterte's inaction over China's continued build up of military facilities and structures at the disputed islands. (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)
Protesters display placards during a rally at the Chinese Consulate to protest China's alleged continued militarization of the disputed islands in the South China Sea known as Spratlys Saturday, Feb. 10, 2018 in the financial district of Makati city east of Manila, Philippines. The protesters also denounced President Rodrigo Duterte's inaction over China's continued build up of military facilities and structures at the disputed islands. (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)
Protesters, one wearing boat-shaped paper hat and another with a mock missile, join other protesters in a rally at the Chinese Consulate to protest China's alleged continued militarization of the disputed islands in the South China Sea known as Spratlys Saturday, Feb. 10, 2018 in the financial district of Makati city east of Manila, Philippines. The protesters also denounced President Rodrigo Duterte's inaction over China's continued build up of military facilities and structures at the disputed islands. (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)
A protester, wearing boat-shaped paper hat, holds a flag during a rally at the Chinese Consulate to protest China's alleged continued militarization of the disputed islands in the South China Sea known as Spratlys Saturday, Feb. 10, 2018 in the financial district of Makati city east of Manila, Philippines. The protesters also denounced President Rodrigo Duterte's inaction over China's continued build up of military facilities and structures at the disputed islands. (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)
A protester wears a mock missile on her head during a rally at the Chinese Consulate to protest China's alleged continued militarization of the disputed islands in the South China Sea known as Spratlys Saturday, Feb. 10, 2018 in the financial district of Makati city east of Manila, Philippines. The protesters also denounced President Rodrigo Duterte's inaction over China's continued build up of military facilities and structures at the disputed islands. (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)

I manifestanti riuniti davanti al Consolato cinese del distretto finanziario della città di Makati, a est di Manila, nelle Filippine, indossano dei cappellini a forma di missile per protestare contro la presunta militarizzazione cinese delle isole contese nel Mar meridionale cinese, conosciute come Spratly. I manifestanti hanno anche denunciato l’inoperosità del presidente Duterte per la continua costruzione di strutture militari cinesi nelle isole contese. Pechino, infatti, ha deciso di anticipare tutti attraverso la costruzione di isole artificiali da usare come basi militari aeronavali per la sorveglianza della zona. (foto Ap)

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