Il festival degli infarinati

A reveller takes part in the festival of Els Enfarinats, in the town of Ibi near Alicante, Spain, Friday, Dec. 28, 2018.  For about 200-years the inhabitants of Ibi annually celebrate with a battle using flour, eggs and firecrackers, outside the city town hall. (AP Photo/Alberto Saiz)
Revellers take part in the festival of Els Enfarinats, in the town of Ibi near Alicante, Spain, Friday, Dec. 28, 2018.  For about 200-years the inhabitants of Ibi annually celebrate with a battle using flour, eggs and firecrackers, outside the city town hall. (AP Photo/Alberto Saiz)
Revellers take part in the festival of Els Enfarinats, in the town of Ibi near Alicante, Spain, Friday, Dec. 28, 2018.  For about 200-years the inhabitants of Ibi annually celebrate with a battle using flour, eggs and firecrackers, outside the city town hall.  (AP Photo/Alberto Saiz)
Revellers take part in the festival of Els Enfarinats, in the town of Ibi near Alicante, Spain, Friday, Dec. 28, 2018.  For about 200-years the inhabitants of Ibi annually celebrate with a battle using flour, eggs and firecrackers, outside the city town hall.(AP Photo/Alberto Saiz)
Revellers take part in the festival of Els Enfarinats, in the town of Ibi near Alicante, Spain, Friday, Dec. 28, 2018.  For about 200-years the inhabitants of Ibi annually celebrate with a battle using flour, eggs and firecrackers, outside the city town hall. (AP Photo/Alberto Saiz)
Revellers take part in the festival of Els Enfarinats, in the town of Ibi near Alicante, Spain, Friday, Dec. 28, 2018.  For about 200-years the inhabitants of Ibi annually celebrate with a battle using flour, eggs and firecrackers, outside the city town hall. (AP Photo/Alberto Saiz)

La battaglia degli infarinati si svolge ogni 28 dicembre a Ibi, in Spagna, a colpi di uova, farina e fuochi d’artificio, per ricordare la storia biblica del re Erode e della strage degli innocenti. Viene rappresentato un finto colpo di Stato da una trentina di persone vestite in abiti militari: da una parte ci sono gli infarinati che vogliono proclamare leggi assurde, e dall’altra una specie di polizia che tenta di ristabilire l’ordine. Le “multe” che gli infarinati raccolgono da coloro che non vogliono rispettare le nuove leggi sono sempre devolute in beneficienza. (foto Ap)

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