Nuove tensioni in Catalogna

A pro-independence demonstrator stands in downtown Barcelona, Spain, Friday Dec. 21, 2018. Catalan authorities say pro-independence protesters angry about Spain's Cabinet holding a meeting in Barcelona have blocked a major highway and dozens of roads, disrupting traffic to and from the city.(AP Photo/Santi Palacios)
Spain's Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, centre rear, presides over a weekly Cabinet meeting with government ministers held in Barcelona, Spain, Friday, Dec. 21, 2018. Catalan authorities say pro-independence protesters angry about Spain's Cabinet holding a meeting in Barcelona have blocked a major highway and dozens of roads, disrupting traffic to and from the city. (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez)
Engulfed by smoke caused by flares used by protesters, pro-independence demonstrators remove a fence blocking access to the area where Spain's cabinet is holding a meeting in Barcelona Spain, Friday Dec. 21, 2018. Some scuffles have broken out between protesters trying to reach the venue of the cabinet meeting and police trying to stop them on Friday in central Barcelona after pro-independence organizations called for peaceful demonstrations against the meeting across the city.(AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)
Protesters, some with Catalonia independence flags, demonstrate against Spain's cabinet holding a meeting in Barcelona Spain, Friday Dec. 21, 2018. Some scuffles have broken out between protesters trying to reach the venue of the cabinet meeting and police trying to stop them on Friday in central Barcelona after pro-independence organizations called for peaceful demonstrations against the meeting across the city. (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez)
Pro-independence demonstrators protest against Spain's cabinet holding a meeting in Barcelona Spain, Friday Dec. 21, 2018. Scuffles have broken out between protesters trying to reach the venue of the cabinet meeting and police trying to stop them on Friday in central Barcelona after pro-independence organizations called for peaceful demonstrations against the meeting across the city. (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez)
A police officer beats a demonstrator during a protest against Spain's cabinet holding a meeting in Barcelona Spain, Friday Dec. 21, 2018. Scuffles broke out between protesters trying to reach the venue of the cabinet meeting and police trying to stop them on Friday in central Barcelona after pro-independence organizations called for peaceful demonstrations against the meeting across the city. (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez)
Firefighters help to control the demonstrators during a protest against Spain's cabinet holding a meeting in Barcelona Spain, Friday Dec. 21, 2018. Scuffles broke out between protesters trying to reach the venue of the cabinet meeting and police trying to stop them on Friday in central Barcelona after pro-independence organizations called for peaceful demonstrations against the meeting across the city. (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez)

Venerdì a Barcellona la polizia spagnola si è scontrata con un gruppo di catalani secessionisti che manifestava contro la riunione del Consiglio dei ministri, guidata dal primo ministro Pedro Sanches. secondo i quotidiani locali sono state arrestate 7 persone e altre 6 sono state arrestate per i tafferugli scatenati  nella zona del Drassanes Reials, che affaccia sul mare. Oltre a più di 20 strade bloccate, decine di manifestanti si sono seduti sull’autostrada AP 7, lungo la costa. Le proteste hanno avuto luogo dopo che Sanches ha incontrato il presidente catalano Quim Torra per trovare una soluzione in merito all’indipendenza. (foto Ap)

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