Global Compact migration senza l’Italia

10 December 2018, Morocco, Marrakesch: Displays with silhouettes of migrants stand on the grounds of the UN Conference on the Migration Pact. Under the umbrella of the United Nations (UN), the international community wants to adopt a worldwide treaty on safe, orderly and regular migration. The planned adoption of the Migration Pact in Marrakech will be the culmination of a two-year process. Photo by: Michael Kappeler/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images
10 December 2018, Morocco, Marrakesch: Displays with silhouettes of migrants stand on the grounds of the UN Conference on the Migration Pact. Under the umbrella of the United Nations (UN), the international community wants to adopt a worldwide treaty on safe, orderly and regular migration. The planned adoption of the Migration Pact in Marrakech will be the culmination of a two-year process. Photo by: Michael Kappeler/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images
10 December 2018, Morocco, Marrakesch: Ant'nio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations, speaks at the opening of the UN Conference on the Migration Pact. Under the umbrella of the United Nations (UN), the international community wants to adopt a worldwide treaty on safe, orderly and regular migration. The planned adoption of the Migration Pact in Marrakech will be the culmination of a two-year process. Photo by: Michael Kappeler/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images
10 December 2018, Morocco, Marrakesch: Ant'nio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations, speaks at the opening of the UN Conference on the Migration Pact. Under the umbrella of the United Nations (UN), the international community wants to adopt a worldwide treaty on safe, orderly and regular migration. The planned adoption of the Migration Pact in Marrakech will be the culmination of a two-year process. Photo by: Michael Kappeler/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images
German Chancellor Angela Merkel arrives to attend a UN Migration Conference in Marrakech, Morocco, Monday, Dec.10, 2018. Top U.N. officials and government leaders from about 150 countries are uniting around an agreement on migration, while finding themselves on the defensive about the non-binding deal amid criticism and a walkout from the United States and some other countries. (AP Photo/Mosa'ab Elshamy)
10 December 2018, Morocco, Marrakesch: Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) speaks at the UN Conference on the Migration Pact. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has praised the UN Migration Pact as a milestone in international migration policy. Photo by: Michael Kappeler/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images
U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, 2nd left, and Moroccan Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Nasser Bourita, center, chair the opening session of a UN Migration Conference in Marrakech, Morocco, Monday, Dec.10, 2018. Top U.N. officials and government leaders from about 150 countries are uniting around an agreement on migration, while finding themselves on the defensive about the non-binding deal amid criticism and a walkout from the United States and some other countries. (AP Photo/Mosa'ab Elshamy)
10 December 2018, Morocco, Marrakesch: Displays with silhouettes of migrants stand on the grounds of the UN Conference on the Migration Pact. Chancellor Merkel (CDU) has praised the UN Migration Pact as a milestone in international migration policy. Photo by: Michael Kappeler/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images
10 December 2018, Morocco, Marrakesch: Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) speaks at the UN Conference on the Migration Pact. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has praised the UN Migration Pact as a milestone in international migration policy. Photo by: Michael Kappeler/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images
10 December 2018, Morocco, Marrakesch: Reporters follow the speeches at the UN Conference on the Migration Pact. Chancellor Merkel (CDU) has praised the UN Migration Pact as a milestone in international migration policy. Photo by: Michael Kappeler/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images
German Chancellor Angela Merkel addresses delegates during the opening session of a UN Migration Conference in Marrakech, Morocco, Monday, Dec.10, 2018. Top U.N. officials and government leaders from about 150 countries are uniting around an agreement on migration, while finding themselves on the defensive about the non-binding deal amid criticism and a walkout from the United States and some other countries. (AP Photo/Mosa'ab Elshamy)
The empty seat of the US representative is seen during the opening session of a UN Migration Conference in Marrakech, Morocco, Monday, Dec.10, 2018. Top U.N. officials and government leaders from about 150 countries are uniting around an agreement on migration, while finding themselves on the defensive about the non-binding deal amid criticism and a walkout from the United States and some other countries. (AP Photo/Mosa'ab Elshamy)
10 December 2018, Morocco, Marrakesch: Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) speaks at the UN Conference on the Migration Pact. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has praised the UN Migration Pact as a milestone in international migration policy. Photo by: Michael Kappeler/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images
Spain's Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez addresses delegates during the opening session of a UN Migration Conference in Marrakech, Morocco, Monday, Dec.10, 2018. Top U.N. officials and government leaders from about 150 countries are uniting around an agreement on migration, while finding themselves on the defensive about the non-binding deal amid criticism and a walkout from the United States and some other countries. (AP Photo/Mosa'ab Elshamy)
Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel walks past U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for International Migration Louise Arbor after addressing delegates during the opening session of a UN Migration Conference in Marrakech, Morocco, Monday, Dec.10, 2018. Top U.N. officials and government leaders from about 150 countries are uniting around an agreement on migration, while finding themselves on the defensive about the non-binding deal amid criticism and a walkout from the United States and some other countries. (AP Photo/Mosa'ab Elshamy)

Non ha valore vincolante ma è importante la volontà unanime da parte di 164 Nazioni di adottare il Patto delle Nazioni unite sulle migrazioni durante la conferenza Onu tenutasi a Marrakesh in Marocco (foto Ap).

All’ultimo momento l’Italia, seguendo i Paesi di Visegrad, gli Usa e l’Australia, ha deciso di non partecipare all’evento rinviando la decisione al voto del Parlamento saldamente in mano alla maggioranza  Lega e M5S. Il Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration contiene 23 linee guida con cui “evitare sofferenze e caos” nelle migrazioni nel mondo.

Una nota del Vaticano saluta positivamente l’accordo sottolineando che «Fin dall’inizio la Santa Sede è si è impegnata a mettere in pratica i dettami dell’approccio di Papa Francesco, espresso in modo semplice ed efficace con quattro verbi: accogliere, proteggere, promuovere e integrare. La Sezione Migranti e Rifugiati ha sviluppato questi quattro verbi in 20 Punti d’azione che vogliono contribuire alla programmazione e valutazione delle azioni pastorali. Tali punti sono stati il nocciolo del contributo ufficiale della Santa Sede alle consultazioni del 2017 e ai negoziati del 2018. Oggi siamo felici di constatare che molti dei princìpi e delle misure elencati nei 20 Punti sono stati inclusi nel testo finale dei Patti, e in particolare in 15 dei 23 Obiettivi del Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration».

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