Carovana di migranti al confine Usa

A migrant moves his tent in the rain before he was being transferred by bus to another shelter in better conditions than the flooded sports complex where thousands of Central Americans were living, in Tijuana, Mexico, following heavy rains, on Thursday, Nov. 29, 2018. Aid workers and humanitarian organizations expressed concerns Thursday about the unsanitary conditions at the sports complex in Tijuana where more than 6,000 Central American migrants are packed into a space adequate for half that many people and where lice infestations and respiratory infections are rampant. (AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa)
Migrants walk amidst flooded tents after heavy rains poured down on a sports complex sheltering thousands of Central Americans, in Tijuana, Mexico, Thursday, Nov. 29, 2018. Aid workers and humanitarian organizations expressed concerns Thursday about the unsanitary conditions at the sports complex in Tijuana where more than 6,000 Central American migrants are packed into a space adequate for half that many people and where lice infestations and respiratory infections are rampant.(AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)
A woman attempts to sweep away flood waters, between bouts of heavy rain at a sports complex sheltering thousands of Central Americans in Tijuana, Mexico, Thursday, Nov. 29, 2018. Aid workers and humanitarian organizations expressed concerns Thursday about the unsanitary conditions at the sports complex in Tijuana where more than 6,000 Central American migrants are packed into a space adequate for half that many people and where lice infestations and respiratory infections are rampant.(AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)
A woman carries her bags past tents as migrants decide individually whether to accept the city's plan to move them to a new shelter from the Benito Juarez sports complex, in Tijuana, Mexico, Friday, Nov. 30, 2018. Authorities in the Mexican city of Tijuana have begun moving some of more than 6,000 Central American migrants from an overcrowded shelter on the border to an events hall further away.(AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)
People sleep in tents on a wet street as dawn breaks, outside the Benito Juarez sports complex where thousands of migrants were camping out, in Tijuana, Mexico, Friday, Nov. 30, 2018. Authorities in the Mexican city of Tijuana have begun moving some of more than 6,000 Central American migrants from an overcrowded shelter on the border to an events hall further away.(AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)
A Honduran migrant who traveled through Mexico as part of a caravan of thousands of Central Americans practices scaling the U.S. border wall, in Tijuana, Mexico, Friday, Nov. 30, 2018. Authorities and residents in Tijuana are concerned that some of the more than 6,000 Central American migrants being asked to move from a shelter within sight of the U.S. border to one further out might try to make a mass rush across the border.(AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)

La carovana di migranti provenienti dall’Honduras è ferma al confine con gli Stati Uniti, in particolare nella città di frontiera di Tijuana, che di per sé è una città accogliente e costituita per lo più da migranti, ma che non può non risentire dell’afflusso di massa di circa 6 mila persone. Lo stesso vescovo, mons. Francisco Moreno Barrón, ha rivolto un appello sia alla comunità internazionale per dare una mano alle popolazioni dei Paesi di origine di questa gente, sia agli stessi migranti perché siano capaci di rispettare le norme e le leggi dei Paesi di accoglienza. (foto Ap)

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