Londra, spettacolo di luci

A Grand Finale illuminates the Palm House by laser light as part of the illuminated trail through Kew Gardens magnificent after-dark landscape, lit up by over one million twinkling lights in London, Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2018. The spectacular light and sound installations run from 22, November 2018 – 5, January 2019.(AP Photo/Frank Augstein)
Children walk through the Cathedral of Light as part of the illuminated trail through Kew Gardens magnificent after-dark landscape, lit up by over one million twinkling lights in London, Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2018. The spectacular light and sound installations run from 22, November 2018 – 5, January 2019.(AP Photo/Frank Augstein)
Visitors watch the field of light that is part of the illuminated trail through Kew Gardens magnificent after-dark landscape, lit up by over one million twinkling lights in London, Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2018. The spectacular light and sound installations run from 22, November 2018 – 5, January 2019.(AP Photo/Frank Augstein)
Visitors walk through the 'Feast of Light' part of the illuminated trail through Kew Gardens magnificent after-dark landscape, lit up by over one million twinkling lights in London, Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2018. The spectacular light and sound installations run from 22, November 2018 – 5, January 2019.(AP Photo/Frank Augstein)
A Grand Finale illuminates the Palm House by laser light as part of the illuminated trail through Kew Gardens magnificent after-dark landscape, lit up by over one million twinkling lights in London, Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2018. The spectacular light and sound installations run from 22, November 2018 – 5, January 2019.(AP Photo/Frank Augstein)

Dopo il tramondo i Kew Gardens si trasformano anche quest’anno in un’esplosione di installazioni di luci e suoni, grazie all’opera di artisti internazionali incredibili. “Christmas ay Kew” è uno degli appuntamenti più attesi del calendario festivo di Londra. Sarà un’esperienza magica passeggiare nella “cattedrale della luce” o godersi 300 splendenti barche di origami che galleggiano sul bellissimo lago di Kew. Sarà visitabile fino a sabato 5 gennaio. Maggiori info e video qui (foto Ap)

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