La rivolta dei Mapuche in Cile

Locals protest after the death of Mapuche indigenous man Camilo Catrillanca during a police operation in La Araucania region of the country, in Santiago, Chile, Thursday, Nov. 15, 2018. The death of Catrillanca, shot in the head when the police was chasing unidentified car thieves, unleashed protests and violence in the troubled indigenous region of La Araucania, as well as in Santiago. (AP Photo/Esteban Felix)
Demonstrators clash with police, after the death of Mapuche indigenous man Camilo Catrillanca during a police operation in La Araucania region of the country, in Santiago, Chile, Thursday, Nov. 15, 2018. The death of Catrillanca, shot in the head when the police was chasing unidentified car thieves, unleashed protests and violence in the troubled indigenous region of La Araucania, as well as in Santiago. (AP Photo/Esteban Felix)
Demonstrators clash with police, after the death of Mapuche indigenous man Camilo Catrillanca during a police operation in La Araucania region of the country, in Santiago, Chile, Thursday, Nov. 15, 2018. The death of Catrillanca, shot in the head when the police was chasing unidentified car thieves, unleashed protests and violence in the troubled indigenous region of La Araucania, as well as in Santiago. (AP Photo/Esteban Felix)
17 November 2018, Chile, Temucuicui: People from the indigenous Mapuche people take part in the funeral of 24-year-old Camilo Catrillanca in a cemetery. A special unit of the Chilean military police (Carabineros) had shot Catrillanca on 14.11.2018 in the indigenous Mapuche community Temucuicui. According to police, the officers tracked three car thieves who had stolen their teachers' vehicles. The persecution led them into the territory of the Mapuche community of Temucuicui. After Catrillanca's death, Mapuche organizations called for protest days throughout the country. Photo by: Ana Karina Delgado/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images
17 November 2018, Chile, Temucuicui: A member of the Mapuche community holds a wooden club (
17 November 2018, Chile, Temucuicui: People from the indigenous Mapuche people take part in the funeral of 24-year-old Camilo Catrillanca in a cemetery. A special unit of the Chilean military police (Carabineros) had shot Catrillanca on 14.11.2018 in the indigenous Mapuche community Temucuicui. According to police, the officers tracked three car thieves who had stolen their teachers' vehicles. The persecution led them into the territory of the Mapuche community of Temucuicui. Following Catrillanca's death, Mapuche organisations have called for protests across the country. Photo by: Ana Karina Delgado/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images
17 November 2018, Chile, Temucuicui: Members of the Mapuche indigenous people carry the coffin of 24-year-old Camilo Catrillanca in an indigenous cemetery before his funeral. A special unit of the Chilean military police (Carabineros) had shot Catrillanca on 14.11.2018 in the indigenous Mapuche community Temucuicui. According to police, the officers pursued three car thieves who had stolen the vehicles from teachers. The persecution led them into the territory of the municipality of Temucuicui. Following Catrillanca's death, Mapuche organisations have called for protests across the country. Photo by: Ana Karina Delgado/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images
17 November 2018, Chile, Temucuicui: People from the indigenous Mapuche people take part in the funeral of 24-year-old Camilo Catrillanca in a cemetery. A special unit of the Chilean military police (Carabineros) had shot Catrillanca on 14.11.2018 in the indigenous Mapuche community Temucuicui. According to police, the officers tracked three car thieves who had stolen their teachers' vehicles. The persecution led them into the territory of the Mapuche community of Temucuicui. Following Catrillanca's death, Mapuche organisations have called for protests across the country. Photo by: Ana Karina Delgado/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images

Dagli Stati Uniti all’estremo Sud del Continente crescono le espressioni identitarie delle popolazioni native oggetto nei secoli di veri e propri genocidi. Le immagini Ap si riferiscono alla protesta in corso in Cile da parte della comunità degli indios Mapuche dopo l’uccisione da parte della polizia del giovane Camilo Catrillanca Marín. Anche la Fondazione Instituto Indígena, che dipende dal vescovado di Temuco, ha espresso la sua esplicita condanna per quanto avvenuto invocando la ricerca della giustizia. La popolazione Mapuche è in lotta per rivendicare il possesso di territori molto estesi di proprietà di grandi aziende transazionali.

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