Forte scossa di terremoto in Grecia

epa07120837 Damages are seen at the port of the island of Zakynthos, Ionian Sea, west Greece, 26 October 2018. A strong earthquake, with magnitude 6.8, shook the touristic island at 1.54 late night.  No casualties or major damages were reported.  EPA/KONSTANTINOS SYNETOS
epa07120788 Damages are seen at the port of the island of Zakynthos, Ionian Sea, west Greece, 26 October 2018. A strong earthquake, with magnitude 6.8, shook the touristic island at 1.54 late night.  No casualties or major damages were reported.  EPA/KONSTANTINOS SYNETOS
epa07120839 Workers repair damages  at the port of the island of Zakynthos, Ionian Sea, west Greece, 26 October 2018. A strong earthquake, with magnitude 6.8, shook the touristic island at 1.54 late night.  No casualties or major damages were reported.  EPA/KONSTANTINOS SYNETOS
epa07121048 Damages are seen at the city of the island of Zakynthos, Ionian Sea, west Greece, 26 October 2018. A strong earthquake, with magnitude 6.8, shook the touristic island at 1.54 late night. No casualties or major damages were reported.  EPA/KONSTANTINOS SYNETOS
epa07121047 Damages are seen at the beach of the island of Zakynthos, Ionian Sea, west Greece, 26 October 2018. A strong earthquake, with magnitude 6.8, shook the touristic island at 1.54 late night. No casualties or major damages were reported.  EPA/KONSTANTINOS SYNETOS
epa07120789 Damages are seen at the port of the island of Zakynthos, Ionian Sea, west Greece, 26 October 2018. A strong earthquake, with magnitude 6.8, shook the touristic island at 1.54 late night.  No casualties or major damages were reported.  EPA/KONSTANTINOS SYNETOS

Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 ha sconvolto ieri le coste della Grecia e si è avvertito anche nel Sud Italia, provocando dei mini tsunami. Il livello del mare si è sollevato di 10 cm a Sud di Crotone, di 8 cm a Otranto e di 12 cm nelle coste greche. L’epicentro del sisma è stato localizzato nel mar Ionio, a circa 30 km dall’isola di Zacinto, dove la zona sismica è molto attiva per un sistema di faglie nella costa ionica della Grecia. (foto Ansa)

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