Un rito antico

A Joaldunaks called Zanpantzar, prepares to takes part in the Carnival between the Pyrenees villages of Ituren and Zubieta, northern Spain, Monday, Jan. 29, 2018. In one of the most ancient carnivals in Europe, dating from before the Roman empire, companies of Joaldunak (cowbells) made up of residents of two towns, Ituren and Zubieta, parade the streets costumed in sandals, lace petticoats, sheepskins around the waist and shoulders, coloured neckerchiefs, conical caps with ribbons and a hyssop of horsehair in their right hands and cowbells hung across their lower back. (AP Photo/Alvaro Barrientos)
A Joaldunak called Zanpantzar, prepares his cowbells before to takes part in the Carnival between the Pyrenees villages of Ituren and Zubieta, northern Spain, Monday, Jan. 29, 2018. In one of the most ancient carnivals in Europe, dating from before the Roman empire, companies of Joaldunak (cowbells) made up of residents of two towns, Ituren and Zubieta, parade the streets costumed in sandals, lace petticoats, sheepskins around the waist and shoulders, coloured neckerchiefs, conical caps with ribbons and a hyssop of horsehair in their right hands and cowbells hung across their lower back. (AP Photo/Alvaro Barrientos)
A Joaldunak called Zanpantzar, center, prepares to takes part in the Carnival between the Pyrenees villages of Ituren and Zubieta, northern Spain, Monday, Jan. 29, 2018. In one of the most ancient carnivals in Europe, dating from before the Roman empire, companies of Joaldunak (cowbells) made up of residents of two towns, Ituren and Zubieta, parade the streets costumed in sandals, lace petticoats, sheepskins around the waist and shoulders, coloured neckerchiefs, conical caps with ribbons and a hyssop of horsehair in their right hands and cowbells hung across their lower back. (AP Photo/Alvaro Barrientos)
A group of Joaldunaks called Zanpantzar, take part in the Carnival between the Pyrenees villages of Ituren and Zubieta, northern Spain, Monday, Jan. 29, 2018. In one of the most ancient carnivals in Europe, dating from before the Roman empire, companies of Joaldunak (cowbells) made up of residents of two towns, Ituren and Zubieta, parade the streets costumed in sandals, lace petticoats, sheepskins around the waist and shoulders, coloured neckerchiefs, conical caps with ribbons and a hyssop of horsehair in their right hands and cowbells hung across their lower back. (AP Photo/Alvaro Barrientos)
A Joaldunak called Zanpantzar, take part in the Carnival between the Pyrenees villages of Ituren and Zubieta, northern Spain, Monday, Jan. 29, 2018. In one of the most ancient carnivals in Europe, dating from before the Roman empire, companies of Joaldunak (cowbells) made up of residents of two towns, Ituren and Zubieta, parade the streets costumed in sandals, lace petticoats, sheepskins around the waist and shoulders, coloured neckerchiefs, conical caps with ribbons and a hyssop of horsehair in their right hands and cowbells hung across their lower back. (AP Photo/Alvaro Barrientos)
EDS NOTE : SPANISH LAW REQUIRES THAT THE FACES OF MINORS ARE MASKED IN PUBLICATIONS WITHIN SPAIN. Two young Joaldunaks called Zanpantzar, take part in the Carnival between the Pyrenees villages of Ituren and Zubieta, northern Spain, Monday, Jan. 30, 2017. In one of the most ancient carnivals in Europe, dating from before the Roman empire, companies of Joaldunak (cowbells) made up of residents of two towns, Ituren and Zubieta, parade the streets costumed in sandals, lace petticoats, sheepskins around the waist and shoulders, coloured neckerchiefs, conical caps with ribbons and a hyssop of horsehair in their right hands and cowbells hung across their lower back. (AP Photo/Alvaro Barrientos)
A group of Joaldunaks called Zanpantzar, take part in the Carnival between the Pyrenees villages of Ituren and Zubieta, northern Spain, Monday, Jan. 29, 2018. In one of the most ancient carnivals in Europe, dating from before the Roman empire, companies of Joaldunak (cowbells) made up of residents of two towns, Ituren and Zubieta, parade the streets costumed in sandals, lace petticoats, sheepskins around the waist and shoulders, coloured neckerchiefs, conical caps with ribbons and a hyssop of horsehair in their right hands and cowbells hung across their lower back. (AP Photo/Alvaro Barrientos)
A group of Joaldunaks called Zanpantzar, take part in the Carnival between the Pyrenees villages of Ituren and Zubieta, northern Spain, Monday, Jan. 29, 2018. In one of the most ancient carnivals in Europe, dating from before the Roman empire, companies of Joaldunak (cowbells) made up of residents of two towns, Ituren and Zubieta, parade the streets costumed in sandals, lace petticoats, sheepskins around the waist and shoulders, coloured neckerchiefs, conical caps with ribbons and a hyssop of horsehair in their right hands and cowbells hung across their lower back. (AP Photo/Alvaro Barrientos)
A group of Joaldunaks called Zanpantzar, rest inside at a bar as they take part in the Carnival between the Pyrenees villages of Ituren and Zubieta, northern Spain, Monday, Jan. 29, 2018. In one of the most ancient carnivals in Europe, dating from before the Roman empire, companies of Joaldunak (cowbells) made up of residents of two towns, Ituren and Zubieta, parade the streets costumed in sandals, lace petticoats, sheepskins around the waist and shoulders, coloured neckerchiefs, conical caps with ribbons and a hyssop of horsehair in their right hands and cowbells hung across their lower back. (AP Photo/Alvaro Barrientos)
A group of Joaldunaks called Zanpantzar, take part in the Carnival between the Pyrenees villages of Ituren and Zubieta, northern Spain, Monday, Jan. 29, 2018. In one of the most ancient carnivals in Europe, dating from before the Roman empire, companies of Joaldunak (cowbells) made up of residents of two towns, Ituren and Zubieta, parade the streets costumed in sandals, lace petticoats, sheepskins around the waist and shoulders, coloured neckerchiefs, conical caps with ribbons and a hyssop of horsehair in their right hands and cowbells hung across their lower back. (AP Photo/Alvaro Barrientos)
A group of Joaldunaks called Zanpantzar, take part in the Carnival between the Pyrenees villages of Ituren and Zubieta, northern Spain, Monday, Jan. 29, 2018. In one of the most ancient carnivals in Europe, dating from before the Roman empire, companies of Joaldunak (cowbells) made up of residents of two towns, Ituren and Zubieta, parade the streets costumed in sandals, lace petticoats, sheepskins around the waist and shoulders, coloured neckerchiefs, conical caps with ribbons and a hyssop of horsehair in their right hands and cowbells hung across their lower back. (AP Photo/Alvaro Barrientos)
A Joaldunak called Zanpantzar, plays a horn taking part in the Carnival between the Pyrenees villages of Ituren and Zubieta, northern Spain, Monday, Jan. 29, 2018. In one of the most ancient carnivals in Europe, dating from before the Roman empire, companies of Joaldunak (cowbells) made up of residents of two towns, Ituren and Zubieta, parade the streets costumed in sandals, lace petticoats, sheepskins around the waist and shoulders, coloured neckerchiefs, conical caps with ribbons and a hyssop of horsehair in their right hands and cowbells hung across their lower back. (AP Photo/Alvaro Barrientos)

La gesta del Carnevale, come dimostrano queste immagini, agenzia Ap, che arrivano dalla Spagna, in gran parte dai villaggi montani dei Pirenei, dimostrano una radice ancestrale che resta attraverso i secoli. Cela un mistero sul caos primordiale e la rinascita sempre temuta e ricercata. Espressione della condizione umana inquieta che scaccia le sue paure.

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