Il Ruanda al voto

Voters line up to cast their vote at a polling station for the presidential election, Friday Aug. 4, 2017, in the capital Kigali, Rawanda. Incumbent President Paul Kagame is widely expected to win another term after the government disqualified three potential candidates for allegedly failing to fulfill certain requirements, including collecting enough signatures. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)
Voters line up to cast their vote at a polling station for the presidential election, Friday Aug. 4, 2017, in the capital Kigali, Rawanda. Incumbent President Paul Kagame is widely expected to win another term after the government disqualified three potential candidates for allegedly failing to fulfill certain requirements, including collecting enough signatures. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)
Election volunteers count ballots at a polling station in Rwanda's capital Kigali Thursday Aug. 3, 2017, in preparation for the presidential election on Friday in which outgoing president Paul Kagame is widely expected to win another term after the government earlier disqualified all but three candidates. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)
Rwandans line up to cast their vote for the presidential elections at a polling station in Rwanda's capital Kigali Friday, Aug. 4, 2017. Outgoing President Paul Kagame is widely expected to win another term after the government disqualified all but three candidates. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)
Election volunteers decorate a polling station in Rwanda's capital Kigali Thursday Aug. 3, 2017, in preparation for the presidential election on Friday in which outgoing president Paul Kagame is widely expected to win another term after the government earlier disqualified all but three candidates. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)
Rwandans start to vote  for the presidential elections at a polling station in Rwanda's capital Kigali Friday, Aug. 4, 2017. Outgoing President Paul Kagame is widely expected to win another term after the government disqualified all but three candidates. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)
Voters prepare to cast their vote at a polling station for the presidential election, Friday Aug. 4, 2017, in the capital Kigali, Rawanda. Incumbent President Paul Kagame is widely expected to win another term after the government disqualified three potential candidates for allegedly failing to fulfill certain requirements, including collecting enough signatures. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

Non solo Kenya e Senegal, come già scritto da Città Nuova nei giorni scorsi: anche il Ruanda vota oggi, 4 agosto, per le elezioni presidenziali. Il grande favorito è il presidente uscente, Paul Kagame, soprattutto dopo che tutti gli sfidanti eccetto tre sono stati esclusi dalla competizione per mancanza dei requisiti; nonostante le polemiche che ne sono seguite, i ruandesi si sono comunque messi in coda già di buon mattino. In queste foto vediamo gli elettori in fila, e gli operatori dei seggi durante l’allestimento.

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