Mostar, un ponte che dà spettacolo

Spectators watch as a diver jumps from the Old Mostar Bridge during 451th traditional annual high diving competition, in Mostar, 140 kms south of Bosnian capital of Sarajevo, Sunday, July 30, 2017. Total of 41 divers from Bosnia and neighbouring countries competed diving from 25 meters high Old Mostar Bridge into the Neretva river. (AP Photo/Amel Emric)
A diver drops through the air from the Mostar bridge during 451th traditional annual high diving competition, in Mostar, 140 kms south of Bosnian capital of Sarajevo, Sunday, July 30, 2017. Total of 41 divers from Bosnia and neighbouring countries competed diving from 25 meters high Old Mostar Bridge into the Neretva river. (AP Photo/Amel Emric)
A diver drops through the air from the Mostar bridge during 451th traditional annual high diving competition, in Mostar, 140 kms south of Bosnian capital of Sarajevo, Sunday, July 30, 2017. Total of 41 divers from Bosnia and neighbouring countries competed diving from 25 meters high Old Mostar Bridge into the Neretva river. (AP Photo/Amel Emric)
A diver drops through the air from the Mostar bridge during the 451th traditional annual high diving competition, in Mostar, 140 kms south of Bosnian capital of Sarajevo, Sunday, July 30, 2017. Total of 41 divers from Bosnia and neighbouring countries competed diving from 25 meters high Old Mostar Bridge into the Neretva river. (AP Photo/Amel Emric)
Spectators watch as a diver jumps from the Old Mostar Bridge during 451th traditional annual high diving competition, in Mostar, 140 kms south of Bosnian capital of Sarajevo, Sunday, July 30, 2017. Total of 41 divers from Bosnia and neighbouring countries competed diving from 25 meters high Old Mostar Bridge into the Neretva river. (AP Photo/Amel Emric)
A Bosnian jumper, launches himself while holding burning torches, during traditional night jump from the Old Mostar Bridge, in Mostar, 140 kms south of Bosnian capital of Sarajevo, Sunday, July 30, 2017. A total of 41 divers from Bosnia and neighbouring countries competed diving from the 25 meter (82 feet) high Old Mostar Bridge into the Neretva River. (AP Photo/Amel Emric)
A Bosnian jumper, launches himself while holding burning torches, during traditional night jump from the Old Mostar Bridge, in Mostar, 140 kms south of Bosnian capital of Sarajevo, Sunday, July 30, 2017. A total of 41 divers from Bosnia and neighbouring countries competed diving from the 25 meter (82 feet) high Old Mostar Bridge into the Neretva River. (AP Photo/Amel Emric)

Era diventato uno dei tristi simboli della guerra dei Balcani: ma ora il vecchio Ponte di Mostar, che con i suoi 25 metri di altezza sovrasta il fiume Neretva, nel nome dello sport e del divertimento può dirsi anche simbolo di pace. Ogni anno infatti vi si tiene una gara di tuffi, a cui la scorsa domenica 30 luglio hanno partecipato 41 persone dalla Bosnia e dai Paesi vicini. Uno spettacolo particolare è stato offerto dai tuffatori con le torce, che si sono lanciati dopo il calare del buio.

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