Acque libiche

Sub saharan migrants receive life jackets as they are rescued by aid workers of Spanish NGO Proactiva Open Arms in the Mediterranean Sea, about 15 miles north of Sabratha, Libya on Tuesday, July 25, 2017. (AP Photo/Santi Palacios)
Sub saharan migrants receive life jackets as they are rescued by aid workers of Spanish NGO Proactiva Open Arms in the Mediterranean Sea, about 15 miles north of Sabratha, Libya on Tuesday, July 25, 2017. (AP Photo/Santi Palacios)
Sub saharan migrants are rescued by aid workers of Spanish NGO Proactiva Open Arms in the Mediterranean Sea, about 15 miles north of Sabratha, Libya on Tuesday, July 25, 2017. (AP Photo/Santi Palacios)
Sub saharan migrants wait to be rescued by aid workers of Spanish NGO Proactiva Open Arms in the Mediterranean Sea, about 15 miles north of Sabratha, Libya on Tuesday, July 25, 2017. More than 120 migrants were rescued Tuesday from the Mediterranean Sea while 13 more —including pregnant women and children— died in a crammed rubber raft, according to a Spanish rescue group. (AP Photo/Santi Palacios)
EDS NOTE: GRAPHIC CONTENT - Migrants wait to be rescued by aid workers of Spanish NGO Proactiva Open Arms next to dead bodies of other migrants in the Mediterranean Sea, about 15 miles north of Sabratha, Libya on Tuesday, July 25, 2017. (AP Photo/Santi Palacios)
EDS NOTE: GRAPHIC CONTENT - Dead bodies of migrants are seen inside a rubber boat in the Mediterranean Sea, about 15 miles north of Sabratha, Libya on Tuesday, July 25, 2017. (AP Photo/Santi Palacios)
Sub saharan migrants sit on the deck of the vessel of Proactiva Open Arms after being rescued in the Mediterranean Sea, about 15 miles north of Sabratha, Libya on Tuesday, July 25, 2017. More than 120 migrants were rescued Tuesday from the Mediterranean Sea while 13 more —including pregnant women and children— died in a crammed rubber raft, according to a Spanish rescue group. (AP Photo/Santi Palacios)
Aid workers of Proactiva Open Arms recover dead bodies of Sub saharan migrants inside a rubber boat in the Mediterranean Sea, about 15 miles north of Sabratha, Libya on Tuesday, July 25, 2017. More than 120 migrants were rescued Tuesday from the Mediterranean Sea while 13 more —including pregnant women and children— died in a crammed rubber raft, according to a Spanish rescue group. (AP Photo/Santi Palacios)

Come compensazione all’attivismo diplomatico francese, il presidente del consiglio Gentiloni è stato contattato da Fajez al Sarraj dopo l’incontro inaspettato a tre che ha avuto con Haftar e Macron, per chiedere l’aiuto navale italiano in acque libiche «contro i trafficanti di esseri umani». Una proposta che apre interrogativi su quella che potrebbe preparare un intervento militare di sostegno ad un blocco navale più volte auspicato da parte delle forze politiche che parlano con allarme di un’invasione in corso da parte di flussi di migranti senza controllo dall’Africa subsahariana. Nelle immagini Ap alcune fasi di salvataggio nel Mar Mediterraneo da parte della Ong spagnola Proactiva Open Arms.

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