Italia senza pioggia

A view of the Po riverbed under Ponte della Becca (Becca bridge) shows the effects of the drought, near Pavia, Italy, Monday, July 24, 2017. Sky TG24 TV meteorologists noted on Sunday that Italy had experienced one of its driest springs in some 60 years and that some parts of the country had seen rainfall totals 80 percent below normal.(AP Photo/Luca Bruno)
The Bracciano lake, situated near Rome, Italy, 22 July 2017. Its water levels have been worryingly low due to long-term droughts and heat spells - it may cause a water shortage for the city of Rome. The relevant authorities have now forbidden the water company Acea to pump water from the Bracciano lake for the Italian capital Photo by: Annette Reuther/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images
A view of the Po riverbed under Ponte della Becca (Becca bridge) shows the effects of the drought, near Pavia, Italy, Monday, July 24, 2017. Sky TG24 TV meteorologists noted on Sunday that Italy had experienced one of its driest springs in some 60 years and that some parts of the country had seen rainfall totals 80 percent below normal. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)
The Bracciano lake, situated near Rome, Italy, 22 July 2017. Its water levels have been worryingly low due to long-term droughts and heat spells - it may cause a water shortage for the city of Rome. The relevant authorities have now forbidden the water company Acea to pump water from the Bracciano lake for the Italian capital Photo by: Annette Reuther/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images
The Bracciano lake, situated near Rome, Italy, 22 July 2017. Its water levels have been worryingly low due to long-term droughts and heat spells - it may cause a water shortage for the city of Rome. The relevant authorities have now forbidden the water company Acea to pump water from the Bracciano lake for the Italian capital Photo by: Annette Reuther/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images
A view of the Ponte della Becca (Becca bridge) shows low water levels across the Po river, near Pavia, Italy, Monday, July 24, 2017. Sky TG24 TV meteorologists noted on Sunday that Italy had experienced one of its driest springs in some 60 years and that some parts of the country had seen rainfall totals 80 percent below normal. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)

L’agenzia Ap mette in evidenza le immagini che documentano lo stato di crisi del Paese che ha avuto una diminuzione di precipitazioni fuori dalla media e a fine luglio del 2017 si teme per l’accesso all’acqua in città come Roma. La questione è tuttavia da approfondire in merito al nodo degli investimenti necessari per ridurre sprechi e perdita nelle condutture con risorse che dovrebbero arrivare dal reinvestimento degli utili prodotti dalle società che gestiscono il ciclo idrico.

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