Campionati mondiali di nuoto, si inizia

epa06087537 Roosa Kanerva of Finland competes in the Women's Diving 1m Springboard preliminary round of the FINA Swimming World Championships 2017 in Duna Arena in Budapest, Hungary, 14 July 2017.  EPA/TIBOR ILLYES HUNGARY OUT
epa06087682 Nayun Moon of South Korea competes in the Women's Diving 1m Springboard preliminary round of the FINA Swimming World Championships 2017 in Duna Arena in Budapest, Hungary, 14 July 2017.  EPA/TIBOR ILLYES HUNGARY OUT
epa06088125 Dancers perform combined with a light show during the opening ceremony of FINA Swimming World Championships 2017 held on a stage floating on the water of River Danube in Budapest, Hungary, 14 July 2017. The FINA Swimming World Championships 2017 are held between 14 and 30 July in Hungary.  EPA/Tibor Illyes HUNGARY OUT
epa06088116 Backdropped by the Parliament building the opening ceremony of FINA Swimming World Championships 2017 is held on a stage floating on the water of River Danube in Budapest, Hungary, 14 July 2017. The FINA Swimming World Championships 2017 are held between 14 and 30 July in Hungary.  EPA/Zsolt Czegledi HUNGARY OUT
epa06086506 Natalia Jenkins of Costa Rica performs during the Women's Solo Technical Synchronized Swimming Preliminary Technical Routine of the FINA World Championships 2017 in Budapest, Hungary, 14 July 2017.  EPA/PATRICK B. KRAEMER
epa06087455 Karem Achach Ramirez and Nuria Lidon Diosdado Garcia of Mexico perform during the Women's Duet Technical Synchronized Swimming Preliminary Technical Routine of the FINA World Championships 2017 in Budapest, Hungary, 14 July 2017.  EPA/PATRICK B. KRAEMER
epa06086594 Guillaume Dutoit of Switzerland competes in the qualifying round of mens 1-meter springboard event of the FINA Swimming World Championships 2017 at the Duna Arena, in Budapest, Hungary, 14 July 2017.  EPA/TIBOR ILLYES HUNGARY OUT
epa06086431 Debbie Soh of Singapore performs during the Women's Solo Technical Synchronised Swimming Preliminary Technical Routine of the FINA World Championships 2017 in Budapest, Hungary, 14 July 2017. The FINA Swimming World Championships 2017 runs from 14 to 30 July in Hungary.  EPA/ZSOLT CZEGLEDI HUNGARY OUT
epa06085209 Lali and Lili, the two mascots of 2017 FINA World Aquatics Championships pose next to the visitors' centre at the lower embankment of Buda, in the background the building of the Hungarian Parliament is seen in Budapest, Hungary, 06 July 2017 (issued 13 July). The FINA World Aquatics Championships 2017 will be held in Hungary between July 14 and 30.  EPA/Csilla Cseke HUNGARY OUT

Alcune immagine della prima giornata di Mondiali di nuoto che quest’anno si stanno svolgendo a Budapest, in Ungheria, dal 14 al 30 luglio. Le prime discipline a iniziare sono state tuffi e sincronizzato. Le altre saranno il nuoto (presso la Duna Arena), il nuoto in acque libere (nel lago Balaton), tuffi da grandi altezze (nel Danubio) e pallanuoto (nello stadio Alfréd Hajós). È possibile seguire l’evento sui canali Eurosport, ma anche Raisport e Rai2 offriranno molto spazio del loro palinsesto alla manifestazione. (foto Ansa)

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